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It had been a week since they had shared a kiss, Yaz had told the Doctor it was a spur of the moment, blamed the adrenaline. The Doctor hugged her and seemed unaffected however it affected her more than Yaz knew.

It was night on the TARDIS and the Doctor was sitting up in bed, leaning against the bed frame. She had been watching a TV show called Broadchurch but stopped after the first series because it was upsetting her too much and she had already figured out who killed him. She liked the main character Beth, she thought she was incredibly brave and would like to meet the actress one day.

She had also stopped watching it on the iPhone Yaz had let her borrow because a stream of messages had come in. She didn't want to look but her curiosity took hold of her. Yaz let the Doctor borrow her phone for a hour to watch a list of series she had given her to watch, however this meant the Doctor had full access to the young police women's phone.

"Oi it's not my fault, I'm simply investigating." The Doctor whispered after the TARDIS gave her a warning beep about privacy. It took a while for the Doctor to find her way around the phone and jumped back hitting her head on the bed post and almost dropping the phone when she accidentally activated Siri.

"Maybe I should build in a voice for you Sexy," The Doctor knew the TARDIS would never shut up and complain if she did. She had 15mins left until Yaz would come back demanding for her phone, not being able to live without it for more than the hour it was with the Doctor.

It didn't take long for the Doctor to find Yaz's photos and giggled at the silly selfies her and Ryan had taken and the blurry photos of Yaz next to her friends at some sort of party. As she swiped through her photos she smiled at the younger girl in a baggy white super and black high waisted jeans. She had her curly hair down and red lip stick, she looked stunning. However, as the photos went on from the night of the party which must have been last weekend, Yaz seemed to get closer and closer to one of her friends until the Doctor stumbled across a photo which made her realise they might not just be friends. 

Yaz was holding a drink in one hand and the other girl was holding Yaz by the waist in the photo it looked like they were leaning in to kiss and the Doctor felt a pang of sadness and something else, jealousy. She decided to swipe and found a video.

The Doctor tilted her head as she watched the video over and over, watching Yaz and how she had a dance off with some random guy near by, she looked so happy and the Doctor couldn't help but smile. Suddenly the door of her room swung open and in ran Yaz grabbing the phone before the Doctor could get out of the photos. 

"That episode went over didn't it I mea-" There was pause as Yaz looked at her phone and then back at the Doctor who was sheepishly looking anywhere other than the younger woman's eyes. 

"Doctor, what were you doing in my photos?" Yaz's voice was very quiet and her whole body had frozen.

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