Calum - what the hell are your talking about

The police officer arrest Calum

The police officer drives Calum to the police station

Jazmin calls Britney

Britney - hello

Jazmin - you play with fire bitch and you get burned

Jazmin hangs up


Meanwhile at the police station

Police officer - it is time for questions

Calum - whatever

Police officer - full name?

Calum - Calum Thomas Hood

Police officer - age?

Calum - 22

Police officer - married?

Calum - yes

Police officer - kids?

Calum - 1

Police officer - have you ever been arrest?

Calum - no

Police officer - sex?

Calum - male

Police officer - job?

Calum - I am in a band well used to be a quit today

Police officer - ok were done her

The police officer leads Calum to his cell

~~ Micheal pov ~~

I can't believe Calum quit 5 seconds of summer. I can't believe Calum and Luke got arrested. Calum adopted a baby. Ashton proposed to his girlfriend. You miss so much when you go to Africa. So much drama. I only know all this cause of TMZ.

I call Jazmin

Jazmin - hello

Mike - hey Jazmin it is mike back from Africa

Jazmin - did TMZ update for you

Mike - yep

Jazmin - this is a horror story

Mike - make you wanna kick life in the balls doesn't it

Jazmin - I want to tell life to go fuck itself

They both laugh

Mike - if Luke ends up going to jail I will help your raise your kids your not gonna go this alone I am here for you every step of the way.

Jazmin - thnx your a sweet guy

Mike - I know

They both laugh

Jazmin - I am gonna go to bed now

Mike - goodnight I will be there in court tomorrow

Jazmin - thnx goodnight

Jazmin hangs up

I feel so bad for her she may end up having to raise 3 kids. I will help her raise her kids every step of the way. She is such a nice girl. She didn't deserve to be cheated on. She doesn't deserve to be a single mom. She is amazing. Do I have feelings for Jazmin.......


~~Ashton pov~~

I call Britney to talk to her about everything that is happening

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