chapter 02

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taehyung yelped when the man with a huge build, wearing a suit, pushed him against the wall, "i told you many times that a kid like you shouldn't be here!" he said harshly with a fierce face.

suddenly, a black lamborghini stopped in front of the gate. the other man in a suit went near the passenger door and opened it, bowing his head as an old-looking matured man got out. hair was slicked back messily, he flicked his zippo, and burned the end of the cig that was stuck inbetween his lips. he noticed a young boy whose name was taehyung, being stubborn towards one of his men. he asked the man who opened the car's door for him, "who's the brat?"

"he claimed that he's mr. kim's son," said the man with his head low. the old man pocketed his zippo and pulled out his cig coming by the smoke going out his mouth after he exhaled. his eyebrows normally furrowed; he walked towards taehyung from the ground. he calls, "boy, you don't know what you're doing, huh?"

taehyung looked up at the old man seemingly surrounded by dark energy. he's releasing a dominant pheromone that caused taehyung to feel small. he raised his eyebrow as he continued to smoke, "why don't we go inside and have candies?"

taehyung's eyes wander around the unusual fancy place, sitting his ass down on the crimson-colored couch. the lower-class man [old man's man] places a plate full of candies on the coffee table between taehyung and the old man. taehyung furrowed his eyebrows in offense because he wasn't even a kid anymore, so why treat him one? he shook that thought away and just ignored the candies being offered. the old man is infront of him, sitting with barely crossed legs, and is still smoking. once done, he lit down the smoke on the ashtray. he starts, "what brings you here?"

taehyung with his hands resting on his knees, "i wanna know my father's workplace and what happened to him." the old man smiled from that; he smiled devilishly at the young boy. "son, your father passed away when my place was under attack a few years ago, he got countless gunshots. i must say, he's a loyal man of mine."

taehyung suddenly got up, the reason all the standing men reacted by pointing their guns at him, "and the only thing you did was, what? sit around and smoke?!" the old man only stared at him. he gestured for the men to put down their guns and so they did. the old man got up and started to light another cig, "my boy," he called. "there are 2 types of places in the world; one is safe and wonderful while the other is the opposite. didn't your father warn you about going here?"

taehyung shook his head while looking down at the floor. he didn't even know his father was working under a clan that's no doubt an illegal organization. the old man stood infront of him and blew a cloud of smoke, "your father is seriously a good man, it's just like i saw him yesterday." the silence made him continue, "how's your mom?"

taehyung didn't answer. it seems like the old man got the answer already so he walked back to his couch, sat down, and lit down his cig. he sighs, "now that it's too late, i'm keeping you to my clan. that's the nicest offer i have for the condolences, what'dya say?"

taehyung curses between his breath. he unconsciously letting out a heavy pheromone. the man only grins and is not even affected by it. taehyung then grabs the K pendant that his father gave him. in determination, "i'm kim taehyung, i'll be in your care."

since then, he's been the youngest, newly recruited member of the Min-ho clan. he's the rookie so he wasn't allowed to be in a war zone yet. he met seokjin who will guide him to use weapons, improve his skills, and how the clan runs. a trainer who will teach an innocent young man to kill and to survive.

the dummy fell when a bullet got through its head. taehyung at age 16, grinned with his boxy lips and heard seokjin's hands clapping. he puts down the glock and goes to the older, "when do i have to keep training?"

"young man, you're only good at shooting but not fighting so-" seokjin was cut off when sa man in a suit called him. "mrs. min is calling you."

"right away," seokjin said with a serious face. after the man walked away, the smile of seokjin earlier came back naturally, it was a familiar smile like taehyung's mother. "for now, rest and go to your room. we'll continue tomorrow."

taehyung nodded but before seokjin walked away, "also hyung, did i ever tell you that you reminded me of my parents, mostly my mother?" seokjin smiled warmly and ruffled the younger's hair. taehyung whined in annoyance because his hair was messed up after brushing it neatly. seokjin's helpless habit ever since he started training taehyung.

taehyung felt like someone was staring, his eyes quickly landed on some pair of lovely eyes. it was a young girl with short hair, her hair color pale blonde and bright like blinding gold, unlike his dark brown with a mixed dirty blonde. her eyes were almond-shaped that looked alluring, her nose was roundish yet cute, and her lips were pink like a doll. she's wearing an eye-catching regency dress and a big ribbon on her hair. she looks like a present. taehyung's heart thumps abnormally fast. his feet walk on its own toward the lady, and without thinking, "you look breathtaking."

the young lady was surprised, her cheeks slowly becoming pink. she then furrowed her eyebrows cutely and looked away, "hmph." she coldly walked away, leaving taehyung with an open mouth. her scent was lingering on his nostrils, it was fresh milk and strawberry. since that day, taehyung can't stop thinking about her.


All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

᩿This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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