chapter 17

45 3 0


taehyung thought about it, he realized that the card was taking each turn, killing around player in each round one by one. he realized the technique that eunjin did, jimin was more enjoying the game because of this. in this round, there's a possibility that he will lose but then again, jimin haven't lost yet, so it's either him or jimin. he clenches his fist, his palm felt like it's sweating. he already bet all of his chips, he can't guess who will lose in this round. a hand suddenly landed on his side, at his table part. it was eunjin's, she didn't budge to glance at him. she started, "i forgot sooomethiiing."

taehyung thickly gulp, he feels like something is wrong with his card since eunjin is at his spot. jimin making his cards in a fan, he's fanning himself, his eye-smile still remains. eunjin continue and point her index finger up, "a loooser is indebt of what the casino lent for them and the highest bet that won keeeeeps it to himself only, whiiiiile the other 2 winners' bet is half-won. exaaample, when player 1 bet haaaalf and won the round, he'll receive twiiiiice the chips he've bet buuuuut then, he will return the money that our caaaasiiinoooo lent him which is the 25 black chips aaaannd 15 gray chips."

taehyung flatten his lips, only 1 winner succeed in the game and receives all the money, 1 loser whose indebt from casino and to 3 winners, and other 2 winners will only receive half the money. he didn't notice jimin was watching his stressed up face, he is definitely overworked up about the game that is only considered as jimin's leisure. eunjin then stood away and gesture them to continue. jimin closen his gap to taehyung, showing off the back of his cards while he grin with eye-smile. "pick your card, taehyungie~♡︎"

taehyung damn knows that jimin's twin planned who get to lose next, after all she is the goddamn dealer. he took a thick gulp and carefully picks up a card. he flips it and saw an eye. he was safe again. the game goes on.

jimin was grinning menacingly, though his face was still the same, how so? you can see his aura darkening. taehyung sense that the twin are teaming up, secretly. the rules are specific, seemingly, but no. you can't team up with players, but it's not told that you can't team up with the dealer. this is cheating, but cheating outside the box. if you try to argue, they are just gonna provoke you more. this is why society is sick. jimin picked a card from namjoon, he confidently flips the two cards on the deck. loud gasps was heard from the crowd.

the bet of the players in total before:
park jimin - ₩53, 900, 000
kim taehyung - ₩44, 000, 000
mr. han - ₩33, 550, 000
kim namjoon - ₩5, 500, 000

players' chips in total with added chips now:
park jimin - ₩00, 000, 000 [00 ●, 00 ○]
kim taehyung - ₩88, 000, 000 [200 ●, 60 ○]
mr. han - ₩67, 100, 000 [110 ●, 50 ○]
kim namjoon - ₩11, 000, 000 [100 ●]

eunjin's eye opened from shock. she too, didn't expect her twin brother to get the partner cards. she seem to be troubled, tons of things started to run through her head. she mumbles, "it can't be.."

she failed her calculations. she failed being the dealer. she failed the casino, her mother... she failed jimin, her twin brother. she dropped on her knees and grab her head in frustration, she eyes the floor as tons of thoughts flood her. she mutters, "no.. no. i did my best, i tried.. please. don't do this to me, i— it was perfect but how.. why? jiminie, eomma... i'm sorry, i'm such a—"

she then looks at jimin who suddenly laughs in the cutest, high-pitched way as possible. "nyahahahaha~!" he then slams the table's surface to make a loud thud to get all the people's attention around the place. he sighs and return his eye-smile, "it's not over yet." this time, his voice was pressed, it was as if a loathsome girl threatening the world. he continues, "i'll bet myself next."

namjoon grins in amusement. the crowds then start to discuss nonstop about that sudden offer of the casino's owner. their expressions show disbelief, shock, worry, confusion, excitement, and such. mr. han just fixes his glasses and check his watch, he wanted this to get over soon while for taehyung's case, he wanna stop.. he doesn't like the idea of betting yourself for just cards.. for gambling. eunjin was beyond horrified with that offer, she shakingly try to reach for him. she calls, "j-jiminie.." she then grits her teeth and stands up, saying, "no. i'll bet my body for him."

namjoon then chuckles as he hid his face, he peek in between his fingers as he smirk wickedly, "what the fuck? only players can bet. it's in the rule, you moron."

eunjin tries to find something to say but jimin extends his arm on his side to indicate his sister to stay in her place, not to stop him and such. he start with flatten lips, "i never felt this way before... the ecstasy of feeling lost. i.. i wanna find out how i'll end up." he then smiles with his eye-smile as he eyes taehyung with interest. he opens his arms to him, "if you're ready to give your all until there's nothing left, remember there's still tomorrow for your future!♡︎"

taehyung seemingly struggle to move nor breathe. these sociopaths are driving him nuts. he nods dryly and tries to give his bet as the game continues.

each players' bets in total:
park jimin - ₩???,???,???
kim taehyung - ₩110, 000 [1 ●]
mr. han - ₩67, 100, 000 [110 ●, 50 ○]
kim namjoon - ₩11, 000, 000 [100 ●]

all of them went quiet, they all eye taehyung's bet. it was as if the screen made an error. jimin was beyond confused and speechless. he turns around and saw taehyung literally placed one black chip to bet. he fisted the desk making the bets to collapse. he says furiously, "are you taking me for a joke?! what is this?!"

it was the first time they witnessed jimin act this way.. so way out of his quirky character. he was shaking from anger and embarrassment. he can't accept this, it was as if taehyung tries to buy him for a penny. it hurts his pride.

taehyung just sighs and looks at him in straight face. "park jimin, the successor of the famous and elite casino in the south korea, a twin brother of a strong woman but... a delusional masochist who can't humble himself. i'm sorry, i don't wanna play this fatuous game of yours."

A/N: fuck, it's been a while. i've been struggling in college but i'll try to catch up so thanks for being patient and still supporting<3

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