Chapter 14

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Later in the afternoon, Hailee and I decide to watch another movie. I knew I was going to fall asleep from all the "rom-coms" we were watching.

So I decided to start a conversation. "Babe?" "Mmh?" She looks up at me from her position with her head on my lap. "You know I'm leaving today right?" I ask her sadly.

She looks back at the TV and sits up. "Dean. Please. We'd agreed we'd fight this together. Plus, you should have a choice, you're turning eighteen in three days." She says using her hands, looking at me with her beautiful eyes.

"Ugh!" I place a pillow on my face. "My parents are not the easiest people to talk to. Why do you think I'm barely at home or for that matter, at Jake's almost every weekend?" I ask her.

She pulls the pillow off my face and throws it across the room. "If you're not going to atleast try, then why are we talking about it? Huh? Doesn't make sense to you either, does it? Look, if you're gonna be a child about this, please, don't include me. I have better things to do."

She stands up and jogs upstairs, heading to my room, grabbing her shirt and bag before heading to the door. "Wait Hailee." She stops before she can reach the knob.

"What if it's just meant to happen and we're just meant to separate?" I ask randomly. She scoffs, picks a shoe near the door and throws at me. I dodge it and she walks out slamming the door. "Hailee..." I whisper.

Way to go this time. Just when things were starting to work, you mess up.


Hailee's p.o.v
As soon as I get home, the house is empty. I decide to invite Lisa over. Instead of calling her, I choose to text her.

Me: hey. Can u come over ?

Lisa: so now I'm visible to u?

Me: wat do u mean?

Lisa: ur joking ryt

Me: uhhh, nope

Lisa: lol. R u really my best friend

Me: yeah. Y? I don't understand, wats wrong?

Lisa: listen, I've got things 2 do, so yeah. I can't come over. Sorry

Well,that went well. I fall back on the couch and feel my eyes beginning  to water. I eventually begin to sob, wondering if anything actually lasts forever with me.

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