Chapter 5

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When I get up its one in the afternoon. I then realise I've got two hours until the game. I run for my door and into the bathroom to take a shower.

After the shower, I put my pjs back on and head downstairs. "Morning Hailee." Dad greets with a smile.

"Morning dad." I greet back with a hug. "Someone's happy." My mom says laughing.

I roll my eyes and take three pancakes, sitting next to my sister who seems irritated by me. "Hey." I say.

She only gives me a two second smile and continues eating. "Okay." I say putting a piece of pancake in my mouth. When I'm done, I decide to text Lisa to come over and help me pick an outfit.

Me: hey. Can u come over nd help me pick an outfit pls

Lisa: 4??

Me: I'll explain when u get here. Pls bring ur make-up box.

Lisa: okay, I'm on my way.

An hour later, Lisa arrives. After greeting my parents, she comes to my room. She smiles and closes the door.

"Okay listen. I need shady blue eyeshadow, black mascara, blue eyeliner, perfectly done lips and blue nails. Plus I'm going to the Yankees game with Dean." I say hurriedly looking for my favourite hoodie jacket.

She places her make up by my make-up mirror. "I knew you liked him too." She says with a big smile. I smile back and shake my head.

"Whatever." After getting ready, Lisa does my make-up perfectly. I put on my vans then do a high ponytail after straightening my hair.

Lisa helps with my nails after. When we're done, I inform Dean and he replies saying he'll be here in 10 minutes.

I walk downstairs with Lisa and get stares and a smile from my mom. "You look amazing honey." Mom says. "Thank you mom. But this, was all Lisa." I reply.

"Thanks for the credit Hendricks." Lisa laughs. "My ride is here." I squeal. "Have fun!" Everyone says except Halsey, who doesn't know a thing.

For now.

When I get in the car Dean and I greet each other. He hands me the cap and the shirt. "Do you mind?" I ask laughing.

"No." He says. I pull off my hoodie and pull on the shirt ( I wore a black vest underneath just to make sure he wasn't hoping for something else), the cap and my hoodie.

"Ready?" He asks. I nod as the car starts and sigh at how awful I feel for being in the same car as him.


When we get to the game we get top seats for a better view. Everyone's yelling and singing. Dean sings along on his feet before pulling me up. I just hum the tune because I don't know the words.

I put my phone on silent before Dean holds my hand. He smiles at me while singing and I'm trying to get him to let go. I move closer to his ear.

"You know, this feels like stabbing my sis in the back, who actually once told me 'I so wanna be like you when I'm your age'." I yell in his ear through the noise.

He let's go of my hand. Yes! "I'm sorry.  I'm just trying to get over her." He replies. "So, you're just using me?" I ask sharply.

He shakes his head before smiling. "No. I really like you, but this is also like getting over her. Just because we broke up and I didn't really like her, doesn't mean I don't care for her." He answers.

I nod and watch the game start.


Its first half and my throat hurts from all the cheering. Dean comes back after buying more drinks. The crowd starts singing again, this time Dean put his arm around my shoulder.

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