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new message to park jimin

[7:54 pm]

[7:56 pm]

how are you feeling?
[7:56 pm]

so good
[7:57 pm]

are you sure?
[7:57 pm]

i'm feeling happy because i'm writing with you
[7:58 pm]

i'm happy too...
[7:59 pm]

yoongi hyung, do you remember when you told me you would show me your music one day?
[8:01 pm]

[8:03 pm]

was that serious?
[8:04 pm]

i would love to meet you
[8:05 pm]

jimin... i can't
[8:09 pm]

i'm sorry
[8:12 pm]

nah that's fine with me
[8:15 pm]

i'm used to rejection
[8:15 pm]

i didn't reject you...
[8:16 pm]

but this time it hurts
[8:16 pm]

because you really mean something to me
[8:17 pm]

you mean a lot to me too
[8:17 pm]

and you know that
[8:18 pm]

[8:20 pm]

i don't
[8:20 pm]

you feel sorry for me, that's all you feel
[8:21 pm]

and i understand, hyung
[8:21 pm]

i wouldn't like me too
[8:22 pm]

i like you jimin...
[8:22 pm]

maybe.. but you don't like me in the way i like you
[8:23 pm]

what do you mean?
[8:23 pm]

fuck.. nothing
[8:25 pm]

just forget what i said
[8:25 pm]


pls leave a vote or comment so i know if you like it xx

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