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! 1 new message from unknown

hi it's taehyung, you asked me to write you today in school
[4:23 pm]

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new contact
kim taehyung

right... thanks! i have no idea why you have my number, but that doesn't matter now. your friend jimin and i have been messaging each other
[4:32 pm]

i'm aware! lol sorry for just randomly giving him your number but he's been a mess lately and i didn't knew how to help him. he's been excited to talk to you, but we haven't been in touch for some days.. soo.. what's up?
[4:34 pm]

... ok that's frustrating
[4:35 pm]

i was hoping you know something about him... i think something happened to him? or he lost his phone or something... i can't reach him...
[4:36 pm]

is there another way you could contact him?
[4:36 pm]

[4:45 pm]

if something serious would have happened to him... i'm sure his mother would have contacted me
[4:46 pm]

i'm gonna call them now and talk to you later, alright?
[4:46 pm]

thank you so much
[4:46 pm]

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