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Callie's POV:
A concert. I got to preform in front of thousands of people. I then questioned.
"With Turquoise October?" I asked
Octavio laughed, showing that I was wrong. "No Callie, your own concert. Your record label want you to go solo after the success of Bomb Rush Blush so they want you to go solo."
My body filled head to toe with excited, I get to go solo!
"When! When is it!" I asked with a excited tone.
"Tonight!" Octavio statued.
"Huh?" Tonight? Isn't that a bit to soon. My only solo song is bomb rush blush!
"But, I only have one solo song! What else am I meant to sing?"
"Well..." Octavio pulled out a little remote and clicked a pink button.
New songs, lyrics, choreography filled my head.
"These... these songs, they're perfect!"
"I'm glad you like them Callie, I'll be right with you, dropping them spicy beats!"
He was a DJ after all.
I giggled "ha, thank you Octavio!"

Octavio stood up off the bed "I'll leave you to go get ready, the concert starts at 9pm sharp, I expect you to be there by ad least 7:30, got it."
"Yes sir!" Octavio smiled and walked out to room.
Ozzy stayed in the room for awhile. "You seem excited Cal."
"Of course I am!" I squealed with excitement, proving I was even more. "I can't wait, it get to sing and dance!" I'm gonna go rehearse now!
I had my own little rehearsal room just down the hall.
"Alright then." Ozzy got up and escorted me.
I'm so ready for this!

I rehearse for hours. By the time I went back to my room it was 6pm. 3 hours till my show starts.
I had a quick shower to freshen up, and slipped into my stage clothes.
I hadn't wore these in awhile, I've been off work on sick for a few weeks due to when I had amnesia.
I glanced at the clock 7:25pm. Shot, I'm meant to be with Octavio in 5 minutes!
Ozzy knocked on the door.
"Callie are you ready! Your gonna be late!"
"Yeah yeah I'm coming!" I ran out the door to Ozzy. He hugged me.
"Good luck Cal, your gonna be a star."
I blushed slightly, Ozzy was so comforting and supportive to be around.
"Thanks Oz."

We super-jumped into the stadium, in the centre a large circle platform, which looked into some kind of battle arena, with Octavio's new and improved octobot parked in a pool of pink Octarian ink in the centre. The only part of it visible was a stage, my stage, the place id be preforming.
Around the platform was thousands of seats for the audience to sit in. There was also large screens on the walls, probably to display me preforming.

Ozzy sat in one of the vip seats while I super-jumped yet again onto the platform. Octavio was waiting for me.
"Callie! Your hear!" He sounded excited. He then moved his tentacle and pointed towards the stage. "So, do you like it?"
"I love it!!" I clammed my hands together.
"I'm glad, it's all yours. I'm gonna head under into the ink to my turntable, you wait on the stage for the audience to enter."
"Alright!" I skipped over to my stage, it was small, probably only enough room for one other person.
Octavio swam into the ink, under the bot.
And we waited.

Though I was excited, I felt my stomach do I nervous flop. I'd never performed in front of a huge crowd like this before.
But, I'm sure I'll do great! As long as I dance and sing my heart out, I'll be fine.
This will be perfect...

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