The attack

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Marie's POV:
There he was, standing right in front of me. The man who took my cousin, wiped her memories. Octavio himself.
All the guilt and sadness that I felt a few moments was completely gone, and replaced with anger, rage.
"Where the hell is Callie you scumbag!" I yelled at him.
He let out an evil laugh, this made 4 look extremely nervous, I'd told her about Octavio but she'd never actually meet him before.
"Callie's safe, you should be more concerned about yourself though." He clicked his fingers and the octoling guards came from behind him, they pointed there octochots at us.
Shit, I'd left my charger in the cabin.

Four immediately responded by raising her daulies up ready to battle.
"Marie get in the cabin, get your charger, I'll deal with these two." 4 told me.
I shifted, and ran to the cabin that was just behind me. Running inside and grabbing my charger. I heard the sound of one of the octolings getting splatted, as 4 dodge rolled to avoid the other ones shots. I then splatted the 2nd octoling soon after & switched my aim to Octavio.
Even with a gun pointed at him, he still had his arms crossed, looking smudge as ever.
"Oh please, you don't have the guts to shot me, if you do your precious little cousin of yours is just going to take my place."
My eyes widened and I lowered my charger slightly.
"What do you mean?" I asked
"I mean, Callie's the heir to the Octarian throne."
My heart stopped, I dropped my charger out of pure shock.
Before I could ask anything else, Octavio super jumped away.

4 walked up to me, hugging me.
"Marie tell me what happened..."


I explained everything, about Callie's disappearance, that video.
"So your not just looking for the Great Zapfish then?" She asked.
"No, I'm also trying to get Callie back, but now I know she's lost her memories and Octavio's probably told her so many lies, I'm starting to lose hope."
4 placed her hand on my shoulder.
"Don't worry Marie, we'll get Callie & the Great Zapfish back!"
I sniffled, starting to tear up.
"Thank you, four..."

Callie's POV:
I was getting ready to go shopping, Ozzy said he'd take me so we could hang out and get to know each other. I opened my wardrobe and pulled out the best outfit I could find.
A black crop top with black shorts, long black boots with a heal, a long fluffy pink coat that fell to my knees and a matching pink headband, along with my shades.
I slipped my phone into my pocket and poked my head around my door. Ozzy was waiting there, like he should always be doing when we ain't out.
"I'm ready!" I said, smiling.
"Finally, took long enough." He chuckled and stopped leaning against the wall.
I walked fully into the hallway and shut my door behind me.

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