It's Hard To Face You -1- [RK]

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Wonshik was nervous. It wasn't the first time, of course. But each time was putting him in that state. He was a really badass, popular, swaggy rapper, but he was still always really, really anxious every time he was meeting a fan. It wasn't that he was really shy.... But the thought of meeting someone who admires you, and has so much expectation was pressuring him. And it was a woman. Wonshik has never been comfortable with that species.

His managers organized a meeting between him and a random fan they picked to spend the day together. The fan didn't know what they were picked for and they were always so surprised and excited that despite not really being into girls; Wonshik always found them cute, the way they were blushing and shy just walking next to him.

It was always the same program, only the location changing. Bringing her to a cute coffee shop, surprising her with flowers, having small talk, then bringing her to a park with a nice scenery , making her talk about herself, buying her a few gifts, telling her she was pretty. If a normal relationship with a girl was like that, Wonshik was finding it boring and was glad to be gay. But of course, he always had to act as if he was having the time of his life. Acting caring and soft wasn't really hard, cause it was something natural for him. Despite his intimidating look, he was a big softie. And he really wanted his fan to spend a memorable day.

So here he was, standing in the entrance of the building of his agency, fidgeting with his fingers but trying to remain cool. The girl would be there soon. If only, for once, it could be a guy... Wonshik knew he had some male fans, but for some reason, his manager only chose girls. Of course, it would be very bad, two men spending some time together. Wonshik shook his head, trying to get these stupid thoughts out. Focus, Kim Wonshik.

Usually, there would always be a manager with them, following in the distance to make sure everything was alright. But today, the guy had to leave for an emergency and couldn't be replaced. Wonshik was thankful for that, it was only stressing him more to feel watched.

He opted for simple outfits, he was kinda tired of putting so much effort in a fake date and the manager wasn't even there. He was wearing a light blue buttoned shirt, black trousers and simple shoes; the only showy things being his Gucci belt and his expensive watch. The previous day, the manager insisted for him to wear these golden fake glasses and pull his hair up. He didn't really like it, he preferred to have his long soft black hair hiding his forehead and sometimes his eyes, when they were too long. But apparently, his fan had a preference for this look. And he didn't want to be too scolded by his manager. He was trying to decide if he should hide his tattoo by pulling his sleeves down, because it might look intimidating, when he saw someone coming in his direction. It had to be the fan, the building was in a dead end. But to Wonshik's surprise, it wasn't a girl , but a guy. He was looking around him, a paper in his hand, probably following the directions given to him. Wonshik smiled. So for once, they did him a favor and chose a boy... As he was walking closer, not realizing Wonshik's presence in front of him, the rapper took some time to look at him. He was wearing a dark green oversized sweater and had light brown hair. He had a cute big nose, pouty lips and furrowed eyebrows. Wonshik's heart clenched. He was really, really cute. For once he won't have to fake complimenting him. The guy finally looked up, and met Wonshik's eyes.

Wonshik was expecting so much, him blushing and being even cuter, putting his hands in front of his mouth , gasping, perhaps crying, but he really didn't expect THAT.

'' Excuse me but... Who are you? Where is my prize? ''

Wonshik almost choked on his saliva and took a moment to answer.

'' The.... the what??? ''

The guy in front of him seemed annoyed and shook the paper in front of his face, his hand on his hips.

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