46. It's a Peck

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Hai my readers,

I am overjoyed with the response for this book. It's continously in #1 Chicklit even thought I take a long time to update sorry for the late updates and I love you people as you people are with me all the way....

I will update in a continous way this atleat twice a week I am gonna update...

Enjoy reading..

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Ishika pov

I just can't even register what has just happened. Seeing your love with a girl is a big issue for a girl but now a bitch just kissed my Anny and that to before whole college.

I  expected Anny to give her a tight slap to her but my man stood there like a statue.

Ohh sorry of him how can he expect such a strange thing. Everything turned silent the loud music system turned off, all the cheers and shouts of our friends gone far away they are equally shocked for such an sudden event. 

But the suprise here is I can find many eyes looking at me.....Don't ask me why becoz love is not something we can hide from people it speaks by our actions when we pass by our love pass by us, the smile which occupies in your face when he smile you, the glow in your eyes when he see you and you know what everyone want to hide there love from the world which is just a illusion becoz people are more interested in others life than their's....Argh creepy people.

Tears started forming in my eyes come on how can I stop them when my right is taken by some one I don't mean I will kiss Anny but she kissed my Anny. 

I am trying to stop my tears to make me more weak Anny turned to see me and there I lost all the courage I am building in me to expose me as a strong soul is drained before i could create more scene I went from there without any one's notice but I know Anny will be seeing me and follow me but a big NO he didn't came after me.

Anish Pov

What the hell she did now? I saw sameer grinning and I know he would be doing dance inside his heart by now. I saw Ishu leaving normally I should go and console her but what shall I tell her when I don't know anything. I went behind summi.

" Summi..." I shouted and she turned towards me with tears.

Ohh god what is happening I should  be the one having tears. Girls are girls😑.

Even her tears can't change my mind and subside my anger.

" What the hell just happened?" I shouted at her.

" Please let me explain you?"

" I need a damm explanation and I swear if it goes wrong then you will face the worst consequences" I shouted this time.

" Anny I don't have any other way to do so I have done it my cheating myself" She said.

Why does she don't have any way?

" Speak out before I loss my temper" I yelled again.

It's really obvious for a man to enjoy kiss but believe me no one enjoys it if it's not from your loved one.

" From past 3 months Vihaan is at my back. He is continously proposing me and I kept rejecting it...One day she dragged me to isolated place and tried to force him on me. I pushed him away and tried to run away and then he spoke very low making me shatter with fear for his state...Then I said..." She stopped seeing me.

" Then what you spoke?" I asked expecting what she would have told him.

" I told him that we are in love" She said and i chuckled.

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