Chapter 1: Getting A New Home

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  • Dedicated to Shinto My Guinea Pig <3 <3


Hey guys! So as you can probably noticed this is a story about a Guinea Pig. WOW! okay okay I know its not that exciting yet but I promise it will get more exciting with time. Please encourage people to read this it would mean a lot to me! Enjoy the chapter!


 “Good night” said Julia as she gave me and kiss and put me back in my cage. It had been a pretty hard day for me I’d moved from the pet store to my new owner Julia’s house and I was pretty tired. My new cage is quite nice it’s a lot nicer than the cage I had at the pet store it was big and roomy and I could move around! I’ve spent the first 3 months of my life with other guinea pigs so I felt a little bit lonely all by my self.

The next morning Julia came out to see me first thing, she picked me up and cuddled me close to her the she put me back in my cage and disappeared for a bit. When she came back she was holding a large wooden hutch that she lay in the grass. She picked me up again and put me into the hutch the grass-felt weird I’d never felt grass under my paws before. Julia’s mum called for her and she had to run inside I felt I bit nervous to be standing there on his own, suddenly I heard a rustle in the grass near by and a tiny little snake popped his head out of the grass

“Hello, you’re a guinea pig right?” the snake asked

“Yes I am,” I told him slowly moving away to the other side of the hutch

“Well I think I’m suppose to eat you… but I don’t really want to” he said with a sigh

“Well I’m okay with that,” I told him

“We could even be friends!” I said hopefully

“Sure sounds good” suddenly I could hear footsteps Julia was coming back. The snake quickly turned around and started slithering away quickly

“Wait! What’s your name?” I yelled at him quickly

“Paul!” he yelled back before he disappeared.

Julia put me back in my cage and gave me some fresh lettuce, crispy celery, a slice of fresh tomato and a nice big juicy carrot it all tasted so good. The rest of my day was quite boring, as I didn’t have much to do. At around 3:30 in the afternoon Paul came up to my cage to give me a visit. We hung out in my cage for a while and got to know each other. At around 6:00 Julia came out to see me and she almost saw Paul in my cage! I knew that if Julia saw Paul in my cage she would be scared that he would kill me! Then that would put Paul in danger. I figured that if Paul wanted to hang out with me in my cage any more he would have to hide or be disguised.  


Righty-o! Well that's the end of the first chapter. 

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


Thanks for reading



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