Pregnant and happy

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Timeskip is about 8 months later. Sakura and Hinata are 6 months and 2 weeks pregnant .

🌸Sakura POV🌸

God damnit! I can't lose this battle,not now. I am the best medic nin and the strongest kunoichi in The Village hidden in the Leaf. The disciple of Lady Tsunade,fifth Hokage and legendary sannin. I will never back down. I clenched my fist and narrowed my eyes at my biggest enemy. Today is the day I will beat you ,FOREVER !

Hikari :"Uh... Mama, did you get the zipper up?"

Sakura :"*sigh* No, I'm struggling ."

My daughter helped my zip up the white dress I've been fighting with. Thank goodness ! You never know how evil dresses can be when you're pregnant .

Sakura :"Thank you ,Hikari-chan."

We walked downstairs where the rest of my family was seated.

Sakura :"So what are your plans for today?"

Neji :"Work."

Hikari :"Training with Orochimaru."

Chiyo :"Playing with Inojin."

I saw Neji cringe at the youngest Hyuga's words,but I chose to ignore it.

Hitoshi :"Nothing."

'Nothing' usually meant that he will be following me around . Hitoshi is such a Momma's boy, I thought he grew out of that phase but with me being pregnant he started following me again. My stomach was so much bigger than Hinata's because I am expecting twins. Yes, my second pair of twins. It's actually scary knowing the pain I went through the last time,but I'll manage. Ino had already given birth to a beautiful baby girl named,Inomi. She has dark hair and blue eyes and guess who's her godparents .... Yes! Neji and me. I made a mental note to go check on her later.

As I greeted my family Hitoshi and I walked around town to buy some baby clothes. The market wasn't a far walk from home and I didn't really need to buy anything , I just wanted to shopping . I picked up a small pink crawler from the shelf.

Sakura :"What do you think,'Toshi?"

Hitoshi :"What if they are boys ?"

Sakura :"You're right.*giggle* With your birth your father mistakenly packed in 2 pink crawlers and you had to wear pink along with Hikari."

Hitoshi frowned and turned deep red.

Hitoshi :"That's not funny! "

I teased him some more before buying some more gender neutral clothing . Of course Hitoshi carried both bags,even if I assured him I can do it myself . He forgets I punched a god once . We went for the Yamanaka household to check on Inomi and of course check if Chiyo is alright . Stepping into the house it was quiet until I heard giggling and yelling .

Ino :"My hair! Inomi no!"

Ino answered the door with her hair full of baby food ,looking tired and stressed.

Sakura :"Don't yell at her, Ino-pig! Where is she anyways?"

She pointed to the kitchen and there she was. She sat there with big round eyes,so innocent ,as if she wasn't naughty 2 seconds ago. Hitoshi and I went towards her and played with her, later I fed her while Ino cleaned her hair. I bid the Yamanaka family a goodbye and Hitoshi,Chiyo and I walked home. I felt so bored at home, and with Neji and the kids who think I can't do anything because I'm pregnant . When we reached home I sat down on the couch and rubbed my sore feet. I opened my eyes and saw 4 pearly white eyes staring at me.

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