Chapter 3: The Fleeting White Flower at the Bottom of the Wall (2)

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(It's weird, definitely weird. What's the matter with me?)

Due to the change in seasons, Koremitsu was wearing a half-sleeved shirt as his uniform instead. It became a duty for him to head to Yū's house, and on a certain day after school...

He was standing in front of the food rack in a convenience store, muttering away.

From time to time, his heart would flutter, his head would heat up like a teapot, and his lips would stammer. Perhaps he caught some cold that came with the seasonal change?

The symptoms would become more pronounced whenever he was with Yū. Whenever Yū seemed to open her heart to Koremitsu and give a thin smile at him, these symptoms would worsen. Whenever he thought about Yū, the symptoms would occur, whenever it was at school or at home.

"—What is this?"

"This is 'Kimchi with three times the spiciness'."

Hikaru then pointed out,

"Are you going to buy six of those?"

Upon Hikaru's mention, Koremitsu realized that the basket was filled with Kimchi bottles.

His face reddened. He returned them to the rack.

"If you're buying them for Yū, I'll advise you not to buy such spicy ones. You can't just consider your own preferences, Koremitsu; you need to think and choose what Yū wants."

"I-I-I-I-I-I-I'm not buying Kimchi for her. I'm buying them for myself."

Koremitsu frantically explained.

"...What does Yū like?"

And then, he whispered with a frown on his face. Hikaru whistled.

"Damn you, what are you grinning for!? Speaking of which, aren't you the one who asked me to take care of Yū?"

Koremitsu forgot that there were people as he lambasted Hikaru. The shop attendant at the register was taken aback.


Upon seeing Koremitsu cringe his head guiltily, Hikaru, with a face about to burst into laughter, told Koremitsu,

"That's right, thank you. Yū likes sweet and translucent food."

After pondering for a little while, he bought some rock candy and went over to the apartment.

After he knocked on the door, the dreamy-eyed girl and the blue-eyed cat peered outside.


Koremitsu greeted her stiffly. Lapis purred with a 'meow~', while Yū nodded at him with a gentle expression.

On the first time they met, she had a blue blanket draped tightly over her from head to toe. Though recently, she merely had the blanket on her shoulders.

Normally, her attire under the blanket would be a sleeveless dress. Her feet would be bare, without socks, and her neck and arms would appear from time to time. Whenever Koremitsu inadvertently notices her white slender calves and ankles, his heart would race without warning.

"A gift."

He handed over a bag from the convenience store.

Yū received it, peered inside and immediately showed a beaming smile.

"Thank you... I really like it."

Koremitsu did not expect that something like rock candy could cause her to have such a blissful expression; his heart raced, and his face got hotter.

"Yuugao" - Hikaru ga Chikyuu ni Itakoro......(Volume 2)Where stories live. Discover now