Chapter 3 |Shall We Dine Together?|

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Adrien's POV

I really can't believe Father. Me and Marinette? A couple?!

No, no, NO WAY!

Marinette will NOT like that, she'll hate me for sure! She'll say that I'm a creep because she'll think that I told Father the whole think-of-us-as-a-couple thing! Ughhh... if only I knew that they were going to come over, I could've prepared myself for this!


While here I am having an inner breakdown, I didn't realize that Father had been calling me.


I snapped out of my trance, waking up to the faint shout of Father's call to my name. "Adrien! I've been calling you for like, the third time now! Are you okay? Were you even listening?"

Oh, God... now I'm done for.

Embarrassing myself in front of Marinette and her parents wasn't really part of my idea. Marinette was now looking at me, a wave of worry splashing over her face. Her hand was on my right shoulder, causing the part where she's touching to heat up. Making my whole body tingle to the sensation that her hand had left on my shoulder.

I looked away. I couldn't bear to look at her right now, my face must be a mess. I ran my fingers through my hair and answered, "Sorry Father, I guess I spaced out a little. What were you saying?" My father just sighed in return, I guess I was in a trance for a long time.

"I was saying that Marinette here is going to stay with us for a bit of a long time. I hope you'll make her feel welcomed. She's going to stay in the guest room that's next to your room, so guide her there later after dinner. Don't cause any trouble for her, understood?" Father said as he pointed at Marinette's direction, introducing her as if we hadn't met before. I plastered a fake smile on my face and nodded.

I guess Father doesn't really trust me that much, huh?

While doing so, I saw in the corner of my eye that Marinette had a saddened and worried expression but I decided not to mind it and continue to answer Father's questions. Marinette listened to more of the explanation of the adults about the move in, nodding to every question and instruction given.

I glanced at the wall clock beside us, 7:00. It was almost time for dinner, which was usually at 8 pm. I decided to listen more to M. et Mme. Dupain-Cheng's story. Apparently, they were talking about a bit of Marinette's childhood. Which clearly leaves Marinette into letting out audibly embarrassed stutters and a bright red face.

"M-Maman!!!" Marinette shrieks as my father and her parents laugh at the story being said. I let out a chuckle. Seeing such a completely different side of Marinette, how could I resist? Though I didn't mean it as an insult, I meant it in a good way. I hardly ever see Marinette act like that, so why not enjoy the moment?

As they continued teasing each other, Nathalie checked her watch and called over us. "Gabriel, it's dinner time and the table's ready. Are we going to eat now?" she asked. Father looked over his watch and was startled at how long they were conversing with each other.


I guess it was passed dinner time.

Father nodded and lead everyone to the dining area. He classically sat at the center of the table, I sat to his right and Marinette to his left while M. et Mme. Dupain-Cheng were seated next to Marinette and Nathalie was next to me.

I actually didn't expect Father to join us... I mean, he never eats dinner with me. Even Nathalie joined us! I guess they only come when there are guests.

Father started a light conversation before dining. And then, with just a regal wave of his fingers, the appetizers were dished out entertainingly. Just a whiff from the simple dish has made both me and Marinette drool a flood. Each bite taken from the said food had burst thousands of flavors in our mouths, even if it was just the appetizers. After finishing the light food, the main dish was now sent out, and beverages were poured onto our glass. The sparkling bright orange color that the juice gave was quite dazzling, making our mouths quench in thirst. The adults' beverages were a red wine, giving their glasses that red, bloody look.

The main dish was even more mouthwatering, the way the knife made its way onto the flesh and the way its juices flow down all the way to the plate made us feel even more famished.

"Wow, this is really delicious!" Marinette hummed as she took a bite, giving compliments to our personal chef. Smiling to the dish, she grabbed her glass and took a sip of the beverage and I did the same. The orange liquid tasted as if it was freshly picked from a tree and squeezed by hand. As I swallowed the beverage, it gave off a cool feeling down the throat that was given by the handful of ice cubes.

Somehow, a conversation about a bit of my childhood has now started. Father told them about most of my embarrassing stories, and it led me to have a flushed face. "F-Father! Please don't tell them that! It's embarrassing!" I whined. Everyone laughed at my remorse, though Marinette just giggled at how I acted towards our parents...

Our parents...

It kinda sounds like Marinette and I belong to one family...

Like we're married or something...





Adrien, no!

Snap out of it!!!

She is your friend! You shouldn't think of stuff like that or she'll hate you! And do you want that??!! No right?! So, stop!!!

As I was too busy mentally scolding myself, I didn't realize that some of our helpers already took our finished plates out and replaced them with another dish covered in a silver cover in a silver platter. Swiftly, everyone raised the cover and awed at the sight of the dessert in front of them.

It was a mud pie ice cream. It had crushed Oreos on top and on the bottom of the vanilla ice cream that it had. It also had a drizzle of chocolate syrup that was so overflowing that some made its way down to the plate underneath the clear squarish glass container it was put on.

Every scoop had our mouths water at the sight of the vanilla ice cream melting at the tip of the glistening spoon being used. Slowly, as I reached the spoonful of ice cream onto my mouth, I caught a glimpse of Marinette. Her eyes sparkled, a satisfied moan escapes her throat—she did say eating something sweet always made her feel bubbly. I smiled at the thought.

"Adrien, your ice cream!"

Shoot, it fell on my pants!

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