Chapter 4 |Let's Play First, No?|

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Adrien's POV

I stare down at the melted ice cream that fell on my pants. At that time I couldn't move, not even to wipe off the melted vanilla ice cream on my crotch, too stunned to even process what just happened. I guess I stalled a bit too much.


A familiar voice called out, it was Marinette. She was standing up with a face painted with concern and is handing out to me a fresh clean white napkin.

"Oh! Uh... well, it's okay Marinette! I have my own nap–" I declined but as I looked at my tableside, I saw that I had already used up the one that was placed beforehand. "–kin..."

I laughed uncannily, clearly showing the embarrassment—and discomfort because I'm now starting to feel the coldness of the melted ice cream in my pants—that I felt. As I reached for the said napkin that was being handed to me, Marinette leaned even closer for me to be able to reach it. She smiled and sat back down.

I couldn't help but smile to myself. She really is kind, she even notices these little details.

I hurriedly wiped off the dessert on my pants. "Adrien, do you still need more? I can ask them to give us some..." Father said with his usual grim face, though it lacked the usual harshness in it.

I shook my head and forcibly smiled, "N-No, it's okay. It's fine now,"

We all continued to finish eating our desserts—and Marinette's parents couldn't help but ask our chef about some of his recipes.

Father and the Dupain-Chengs were talking about my childhood and Marinette's. A few giggles and embarrassed stutters came out of my and Marinette's mouth as the conversation went on.

"Oh my! It's already this late, we must go now, we still have to wake up early for tomorrow." Mme. Dupain-Cheng said as she glanced at the almond-brown wall clock that said, 11:48.

It really is already late.

Nathalie gave a playful frown, jokingly being saddened by the fact that Marinette's parents are leaving.

"So soon?"

Marinette's parents gave out a laugh, followed by Father's and Nathalie's.

"Nath, you know we have to wake up early for the you-know-what. But don't worry we'll call if we can,"

Father, Nathalie, Marinette, and I accompanied them outside and bid them goodbye.

Father gave out instructions for what we should do, specifically washing ourselves up and going to bed to get plenty of rest for tomorrow since we still technically have school tomorrow.

After I finished taking my bath, I headed towards Marinette's room, thinking that maybe we could talk some more before heading to bed, and knocked.


No answer.

I did another set of knocks but still no answer.

I turned the doorknob to check if the door was open. Luckily, it was!

I slowly opened the door to check her room, just in case she might be around but see no one.

Nope, empty.

I hear water in the shower flowing so she must be in the bathroom, still taking a shower. I decided to wait for her and flop on her bed but not before locking the door.

Suddenly, the door of the bathroom swung open and out came a noirette, specifically Marinette, wrapped in a baby pink towel with hair still dripping wet. The light colored towel makes her dark hair pop out and her eyes even more vibrant.

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