Chapter 11-15

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The Confusion

Beatrice thought that all craziness is finally over, but how can he possibly admit to Ron that she may be having second thoughts with him and Miguel? She promised him she won’t leave him didn’t she? 


Ei B. r u awake? Mit me at lunch in Taverna?

Beatrice has never been so confused in her life, when she and Miguel danced during Prom night she saw something else, she saw Miguel as a guy rather than her long time best friend. She saw his sincerity and kindness she hadn’t seen in Ron. And when he held her close and kissed her she saw the guy she rejected and now regrets having to let him go.

But he waited for Ron for so long, now is not the time to get all confused. Maybe she’s tired of all the nonsense crap Ron has been throwing her for years and now that he’s finally hers all the love had fade away. She looked at her phone again, lunch with Ron, this should be the thing that excites her the most, she often daydream of having lunch dates with him, only it wasn’t he who is in the picture now.

Sure. Got sumthin impt to say too.

Just as Beatrice hit send, she got a message immediately.

B. we need to talk. –migs

Ron nd I r having lunch u cn join us if u want. Taverna. Noon.

Ok. C u.

When Beatrice arrived at Taverna Ron is already sitting in one of the booths. He waved at Beatrice and smiled.

“Hey, Migs said he got something to tell us, did he texted you? I ask him to come here and meet us.”

“Yeah, I did the same way.” Beatrice replied, somehow it felt weird to be around these guys, it’s as if the security and comfort are all missing

When Miguel arrived he immediately saw them and then they ordered their meal.

“Hey man! Congrats! Your whole life is back to normal, now that little-miss-stalker is gone.”

“I don’t know Ron; honestly I never thought that it was Ginny.”

“Don’t tell me you fell for her?” Beatrice said narrowing her eyes. Ron looked at her as if she said something weird, “I mean it’s obvious, she even killed herself.”

“You know what’s weird though, Ginny Lacson lives just a few blocks away from my apartment and she never had a funeral or wake of some sort.” Ron said suspiciously.

“Maybe they wanted it to be a secret.”

“And then publicly announce it in school first period? No, I doubt that.”

Miguel suddenly looked around; he felt that someone is watching them, as if someone is spying on them. He feels that the stalker is still on loose and is now lurking at the very walls of Taverna.

“Miguel?” Beatrice waved her hand in front of Miguel. “Something wrong?”

Then a phone rang, Miguel froze in his seat. Could it be tip off from the stalker?

“Wait, I have to take this, my mom is calling me!” Ron said pulling of his phone and then left.

“What is that all about?” Beatrice looked at him suspiciously.

The Rumors About Miguel Fontanilla Season 1 - EDITED VERSION (English)Where stories live. Discover now