Chapter 6-10

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 The Heartbreak

While Miguel is confused on what’s going on in his life and those around him, he doesn’t even have a clue that poor Beatrice Sy’s heart is breaking.

She still wasn’t over Ron and she has no plans of  getting over him. She kept holding on to that feeble hope that maybe one day, someday, Ron will realize that she is the one he’s been searching for.

As usual Ron is there playing with girls, playing with all of them and is trying hard not to admit to himself that he’s afraid of commitments. That he’s afraid of falling in love and suddenly falling out of it. He’s broken even before he knew it.

After Ron’s night out, he was so drunk he can’t even stand up. He dialed Miguel’s number and asked him to come and fetch him, he also texted Beatrice in case Miguel couldn’t make it for some reason.

Beatrice got there first, for she really cares about Ron and wherever he is, she’s there. Whenever he calls, she answers… because she loves him… simple as that…

“Ron.” She called out seeing Ron drunk and helpless made her hopeful somehow, for these are the times where Ron can see that it has been Beatrice who has been there all along.

“You came.” He said drunk and unable to look at her.

“Of course!” she said and almost sobbed. He hate seeing Ron like this, even if Ron pretends that he’s always happy, she knows that deep down he is not. He wanted to love and be loved in return, and even if he is pretending he doesn’t need love, she knows that he does.

“Let’s wait for Migs ok? You can’t lift me alone, you’re so thin you’re almost anorexic. Wait you are.” He said his speech quite slurred.

“Are you really drunk? Or should I just leave you alone?!” 

“Hey, don’t be so stingy.” He said and held Beatrice’s hand. “Stay.” And she was frozen in her tracks.

As if on cue Miguel arrived. Seeing that he too remained unmoved, but somehow he leaned closer so that he can hear their conversation.

“Let’s just wait for Miguel ok?” 

“I love you.” Beatrice didn’t know what to feel, she’s been waiting for this for so long. Miguel just stood there, and the painful reality stabbed him like ten thousand knives.

“I’m scared okay. Scared to death that one day you’ll see me as I truly am and leave me. Leave me all alone when I’ve fallen madly and deeply in love with you.”

“I know who you are Ron. I know you and your flaws more than anyone and yet I still love you.”

“Don’t leave me.”

Beatrice smiled, her dreams are finally becoming her reality, “I won’t Ron, I won’t.”

With that Miguel left, he can’t stand it anymore. He thought that Beatrice would get tired of Ron and then she would notice Miguel and would fall in love with him. He thought that it was as simple as that, only it wasn’t.

Just before Miguel reached his car he breaks down and cry… he thought about everything that is happening in his life… how pathetic his life is. No one can make him forget Beatrice because just before he can fall in love again they would just disappear…

“Miguel?” nobody knows that despite this the stalker is still watching Miguel’s every move. She can’t just stand there and seeing Miguel so helpless so she approached him.

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