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I slammed my locker shut. ""Damn it."

I cursed under my breath. I failed another class! That means I can't graduate. I'm going to be stuck in this hell hole another year. Yes I have an attitude and I can be a bitch sometimes. But every since my parents died, I just lost it and I'm the girl who doesn't play by the rules. Fuck the rules, they're made to be broken.

"Hey Amber."

My best friend Valerie came skipping over to me. yes skipping.She's the kind of friend who's always happy and is all about rainbows and puppies. On the other hand, there's me. The dark, mysterious trouble maker.

"Hey Val."

" I missed you at the party Saturday."

Yeah sorry I was sick."

That was a lie. I didn't go because I went to the graveyard. yes the graveyard. I would rather be at a graveyard than a party. Hard to believe right? But its peaceful and I love it there. I just lay in the middle the graveyard and look at the stars. I go there every Saturday.

"Oh well I'm glad your better."

I hate lying to her. But anyway she probably knows than I was at the graveyard. She knows I go there every Saturday, she won't go with me though because she's too scared.

" Thanks. Well I have to walk home so catch ya later."

" Why don't you just take the bus?"

I laughed." Can't. I got kicked of for Three weeks."

I laughed. Great times. Sticking gum in the Queen bee's $100 hair. Of course it's not really $100. But she thinks its worth more than that actually. Also I drew all over the seats. Hey! I was bored.

"Oh Okay. Well see you later."

We said our goodbye's and I started walking home.

I'm in love with a killerWhere stories live. Discover now