Chapter 1

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Rosie's P.O.V  A/N this is one of the cakes she made^^^^^^^^^^ ;)

"thank you and come again and don't forget for Christmas our toys will be on Clarence." I said while giving our last customer there order and I walk back to the back of the counter and Mateo asked " what are you doing for Christmas since you and Daniel broke up?" " I dunno I mean we did Christmas together for the 2 and a half years we were dating but I guess I will just continue working I mean I cant close up for the holidays this close to Christmas Mateo" I answered then the door open before he could say anything else and Alane came in and asked me " do you have any sugar cookies left for your favorite goddaughter" I laugh and say " you are my only goddaughter but I will always have sugar cookies for you" I then handed her one. Once she finished it she asked Mateo " have you asked her yet?" I was also there so I of course I had to know what they were talking about " what do you mean?" I asked curiously and then Mateo pulled out an envelope and he says "you know the baking contest that you are obsess with well I took a picture of one of the cakes and sent it to them and it is all the way in Romaine so we can go sight seeing too" I wasn't really excited about that I say " I got to go guys and I have to think about it" I grab a cake and pack it up then I went outside and I walk until I see a money donation and I gave him five dollars and say " I wish that I had someone to spend Christmas with" after a couple walks away and he says " they say Christmas wishes come true" I thank him cause I see Daniel and I walk to him and say " hey Daniel how are you" he says " good Rosella" then a girl comes out and says " babe" then kisses him and she noticed me and said " hello are you a friend of Danny?" I say " I'm sure Daniel has talked about me I am Rosella but people call me Rosie" she says "no Danny hasn't talked about you should I know you" Daniel says "me and her dated for a while" then I ask " so what are you going to do for Christmas?" his girlfriend said "we are going to go meet his parents. what do you have planed for Christmas?" I say "I have big plans very big plans" then Daniel just to make me angry asks "well what are they?" I had to  use my only escape which was " I am going to Romaine for a baking competition and I am one of the contestants so I should really get going I got to pack my stuff, bye."

A/N thank you all for reading and this is my first story so please like it also I will be posting new chapters on Friday if I can also I will be posting every other weekend so after the next weekend coming up is when I will be posting next

word count = 555 words.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2018 ⏰

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