"You never told me about how it went for you back home. Your time off," I said to him while I played with the nail polish on my nails. They were already flaking, so little by little, I'd pick some of the polish off. 

   I sneaked a peek at Harry through my lashes. His lip curled up slightly on the right side. He didn't look back at me, though. "It was alright. I had some things that I needed to take care of."

   I nodded comprehensively. Except, I didn't understand. I knew Harry well enough to know that he didn't have any family back where we lived. They were all still in England. But that had been his excuse for going back. That he would visit some family member. "Yeah?"

   "Yeah," he returned, a little coldly. 

   He was definitely hiding something. 

   "So why do I get the feeling you're not telling me something?" I asked him valiantly. I didn't want to intrude, but I felt like I should. Harry always talked to me. He had no reason to be hiding anything.

   His eyes met mine quickly. He wasn't expecting me to have called him out like that. He swallowed hard and let out a deep breath. "Because I am."

   I smiled. "What's up, Styles?" 

   I watched him shift in his seat to get a better look at me. His lips were pressed together in a thin, tense line. I suddenly felt nervous.

   "Before the tour I did something... not so smart, Hannah," he explained hesitantly. 

   I waited for him to continue quietly. It was like he was trying extremely hard to find the right words to say, but was falling short. 

   He continued. "I went to a party with the guys. You might remember that night... you decided to stay home that night. Point is that I met somebody." And he smiled sweetly.

   "Aw! You did? What's she like? Are you dating?" I asked excitedly. I hadn't seen Harry date anybody in a long time. 

   He cleared his throat nervously. "I got her pregnant."

   Silence. And some heads turning, too. I was definitely not the only one who heard what Harry had just said. 

   And my stomach felt like it had dropped forty feet. I suddenly felt like I wanted to cry.

   Liam was the first to stand from his seat in the front with Zayn. I watched quietly as he walked over, his eyebrows furrowed. His expression was quizzical. Confused. "Did you just say what I think you did?"

   I took a quick peek at Zayn who sat comfortably in his seat. He was quiet. Thoughtful. 

   Did he already know?

   Harry dropped his head into his hands. "I went to go see her this past week. It's true. She's at the house now with Riley."

   Well damn.

   Liam leaned against one of the makeshift walls inside the tour bus, his hand covering his lips. He was definitely not expecting that one, for sure. None of us were.

   "Harry's going to be a father?" Niall butt in. I turned to see him and smiled at what I could only describe as innocence. "Well."

   I finally found the courage to speak. "What're you going to do?" I asked.

   Harry breathed in deeply. "I don't know." His eyes met mine, then Liam's. "I was going to tell you guys. I just didn't know how. I mean, I messed up. But I actually like this girl... I don't know, guys."

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