Chapter 17

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Director Coulson

Steve's P.O.V.

"It's a long story. Come on, your son is waiting to be saved." Phil said, we stared at him not being able to react.

"Director! There is an activity in the southwestern part of the building." a bald, tall, black man came holding a shotgun axe.

"Director? Phil? What the hell?" I asked.

"Agent Romanoff, Captain Rogers, a pleasure to meet you both, but we got to go." the man said.

"Lead the way Mac." then we ran to the direction. I still can't quite believe that Phil's still here.

When we arrived at the area, we saw Agent Johnson fighting against multiple numbers of the robot soldiers.

"Seriously, how many of these are still working?" Phil asked while we readied for the incoming foes. One was coming right to me so I pulled him and bumped him into another bot. Another one was right up so I kicked one after another. It is quite different, fighting without my shield but I can manage.

"Captain Rogers, the sub is not docked here but it surely is in the peninsula. Go find it, we'll take care of this." Phil said while shooting at the bots. I looked at Nat to see if she heard and saw that she was looking at me. I nod and we went out of the facility to try to find the sub.

"The sub's there." Nat said pointing at a place and surely there was a sub.

"But how do go?" I asked. Just then, a noise was coming from our backs and saw an iron suit.

"Need a lift?" I heard Stark's voice ask while picked up both of us traveling to the sub's location.

"Stark? Are you there?" I asked.

"Nope." then the suit opened its mask and there was no person in it.

"I see you still have to follow your wife Stark." Nat smirked teasing him.

"Hey! You don't get to tease me like that after giving you a lift." Stark's voice answered. It was a swift landing on the sub. After we thanked Mark(Stark's suit), we went in the sub. We cautiously strolled the sub, waiting for any attack, but it was strangely quiet. We reached the controls, it was empty, but then a loud cry erupted. We dashed to the room where the sound was coming from. We saw Ivanov's human head preserved in a container.

"What a sight, right?" Ivanov's dummy said that made us face it. Behind him was a glass cage where James was in. He was crying so loud and I can see Nat's figure shivering from anger.

"You will regret this." she said through gritted teeth.

"Oh I already did. I regret not killing Mr. Rogers so I could portray the message to you clearly." When Nat was preparing to jump at him, she was stopped when Ivanov showed his body bomb.

"Ah-ah-aah~ Not so fast. One wrong move and we all lose." It is quite frustrating to be in a position where you could've done something more but is stopped by something that could make everything you do useless.

"It's not too late to change your mind, Natalia." he said.

"Both parties are at loss here now Ivanov." I said hoping to change the situation.

"No, Steve." I was surprised to see Nat walking beside Ivanov.

"Nat? W-why. . ." I asked hopelessly.

"There's no other way." she said while he laughed and laughed, terribly happy of the outcome, then he was shaking furiously. I did not understand what was happening, but saw Nat holding his electric batons.

"Piss off." she smirked.
I am desperate to end this.

Happy ending or sad?

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