Book 2: Scarlet Speedster

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Lena's POV

It's been three months since the whole Jess ordeal. Since then Kara has been training with Maggie every day. I have used this time to beef up every computer network and hiring a few new hackers that Winn has vetted or handpicked for us. And with Maggie's help, I gathered a few more vets who she felt that she could trust and work with. They would be the best-trained security force. Well, that and if my plans work out they will be doing much more than guarding my buildings. I know for a fact that no one is prepared for Meta's or Aliens, so I am looking ahead and building my girlfriend a team to help her. I have governmental backers and a few major high tech backers. Most don't know just what they are backing just yet. But they will soon.

I will do everything in my power to help the love of my life!

As walk into Kara's training labs to find my love. I know that only a few have access to this Lab, so she can really cut loose with her powers. So the first thing I see is that Kara is sparring with Maggie. Then I see Kara fly through the air and hit the mat hard. I rush over to see if she is ok. Yes, yes I know I am a worrier and I'll always worry about her. But she has invulnerable skin, but she can be hurt and I never want to see that happen to her.

"She's fine Lena," Maggie said without looking at me.

"I'm fine... wow, that was quick Mag," Kara said from the mat as she rubbed her back and butt.

"I told you I would not go easy on you Little Danvers," Maggie grinned as she offered her hand to Kara to help her up.

"Oh, no don't go easy on me, the bad guys won't and if I am to be able to help people I need to know how to defend myself and others," Kara said as she was hoisted up from the mat by Maggie.

Hearing my love say them words melted my heart. I have heard her say things like this every day for the last three months. Since seeing that Clark came out as Superman she has been working hard on training.

"I hear you Kara, but you know I trained for years to get where I am, so you got a lot of work ahead of you," Maggie said

"Yes, I know... and I am happy your offering to help me," Kara said looking down.

"It's nothing Little Danvers, Alex would kill me if you got hurt so I am doing my best to keep you alive... that and..." Maggie pulled the girl into a hug. "I care for you too," she said in a soft tone as he held her.

"Should I be worried my girlfriend is being mauled by a Marine before me," I say with a smirk.

"Hardly," Maggie said as she runs her hand down Kara's back. "I'm here for you to Kara, always willing to help."

"Thank you," Kara mumbles and looked over at me. "Do I smell food? Potstickers is it?" she said with such a huge grin.

"Oh I see, you are only with me coz I bring you food..." I did not get the finish my joke Kara was on me kissing me before I could.

"I..." more kisses "love..." more kisses "you!" Kara said between kisses

"Ok... I love you too..." I gasp and grin at her. "Here I brought lunch for you and Maggie."

"You're not staying to eat?" Kara asked

"No, I have a meeting," I say


"No worries dinner is still on," I tell her and glance over at Maggie. "Mag's you're going to be at dinner tonight, yes?"

"If my boss lets me out of work in time," Maggie joked

Lena Luthor A Love Story Book 1 (Raw not edited)Where stories live. Discover now