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Oh god, what have I done? Why is my life always so messed up? I had happiness for what a few months and now I am stressing out like some teenager. I know they are just friends, but how can Kara not see how Jess looked at her or how Jess seemed to melt at anything Kara said. How do I do this? How can I let a woman I know loves my Kara be in the same building and worse yet I put her in charge of everything. It has only been two weeks and I can see just how much they feel for each other. I need to do something, I need help!

"Maggie, can you come by my office?" I ask

"Sure thing Ms. Luthor, it'll take me an hour to get there, maybe sooner if I speed," Maggie said with a smirk as she drove her sports car. "Who am I kidding, I'll be there sooner." Maggie joked and hung up.

"Great, she's a speed demon and here I am going to ask her for help," I say and sat back at my desk. 

Not long after that call, Maggie walked into my office. "So, Ms. Luther..." I hold my hand up to stop her in her tracks. 

"Stop right there, you're not to call me that ever again, I am Lena, and you'll call me that," I tell her with a full CEO look on my face. 

She raised her eyebrow and walked over to my desk. "Ok," Maggie said. "whatever you're the boss." 

"No, you work for Lex, my brother not me," I tell her hoping she was not just going to keep calling me boss because of my brother, I need a friend and one I could trust. I was hoping she was it. 

"Well about that, he told me I work for you now and that I should make myself useful to you," Mag said with a shrug.

I can't help but roll my eyes knowing that is just something my loving brother would do, he always thought of me first. That is why I loved him so and always make sure he knew it. "Fine, so the first order is my name, Lena. A second order is I need a huge favor."  I tell her with a deep sigh. I know I'll hate myself for what I am about to do. But I need to know...

"Favor," Maggie said as if tasting it. "Ok color me interested, what can I do for the richest woman in National City." I looked down and stepped back from her, all my nightmares always seem to hunt me. "Whoa, calm down Lena I am a friend," Mag said quickly as she could tell I was on the verge of a panic attack. "Tell me what you need to be done and I'll do it no questions asked," she added as she helped me over to the white sofa and sat down with me. 

I had no plans on a massive breakdown, but something in the way that Maggie told me she was my friend and how she quickly knew I needed her made me melt and all my hard earned defenses melted with that feeling. "Kara," I say with tears rolling down my cheeks. 

"Kara, what?" Mag asked as she started rubbing my back softly doing her best to soothe me. Say what you will about Maggie, but she is quick and knows just what to do with a woman who looks like she is one step from the edge.  

"I.. don't.. know... a girl might be trying to steal her from me," I say as I fall into Maggie and then the sobbing starts as I now feel I could let it all out.  

I know Maggie had to feel the tears as they hit her neck, but she didn't try and move me, she just kept rubbing my back and making soothing sounds from time to time. I know I'm a few years her junior, but she seemed like a big sister to me right now. And I needed her.

Maggie's POV:

I felt the tears on my neck and all I could do was let out a soft sigh as I kept rubbing and holding the younger Luthor. If someone was to watch my face they would be able to read me like a book right now and it would say: Oh I'm so out of my depth here. I am not known as the 'come cry on my shoulder girl' nope I have always been the let's get ready for action girl. I was at the top of my class in the USMC Recon, one of the few girls ever to go through and make the top of the class. So this was something new for me... being soft one that could be held onto. Being all girly isn't my thing. But for the little Luthor I would happy be that for her, her family has earned that from me. So when I find the girl who has pissed this little one off oh boy, she best have a last will ready.

I can tell without a doubt that Lena was deeply in love with Kara and that they seemed to share the same feelings for each other. But this new girl seemed to be able to shatter Lena's feeling with ease. Oh, I am getting pissed!

I held the little Luthor for close to an hour, and yes I know how long I could not get my eyes off the clock the whole damn time. I just know I have this look on my face that is screaming that I do not want to be where But I am. I need to be as supportive as I can be, this is the little Luthor after all and she is very dear to Lex and as it turns out to me. 

Lena took a deep breath and sat back. "Oh god, I'm so sorry," she said. Her face was all red and blotchy from all her crying. 

"Think nothing about it, now tell me what I can do to fix this, you want me to check her out, I got that much. What's her name and where do I find her?" I say in a brisk tone that showed my military roots. Some habits die hard. 

"Her name is Jess, she is working for me... she runs the building," Lena said as she looked at me. "I just need to know everything about her... who she is, what she does, what she know about my Kara..." she stopped and looked at me.

"I know, I meet Kal-El and he told me about his baby cousin that just might be why Lex sent me, that and he has a photo of her on his neck, so kind of a dead giveaway," Maggie said with a smile.

"Ok, I need you to keep this from everyone... everyone, that includes my brother," Lena said and this sick look to her. I guess she did not like the idea of sending me to spy on her friends like this. I feel for her really, I bet she feels this could all be in her head. But I will find out if it is.

I reach over and grabbed her hand. "Lena, look at me, I'm very good at this sort of work and trust me I know Lex has sent me to watch quite a few people who showed interest in Clark, most in not that good of intentions. Lex has different feelings for his friend than you do for Kara, true... but Lex is very protective of him just the same." I tell her

"Ok," Lena said as she looked at the time and sighed. "I need to freshen up, I'm going to dinner with everyone in an hour... you're coming with."

"I am?" I ask looking at her a bit confused, not that I would not enjoy spending time with the little Luthor and her girlfriend, but why did she want me there, we just meet last week.

"Yes, Alex will be there and so will Jess," Lena said

I guess that Lena could tell from my reactions that my military schooled mask was not on as well as it should have been. She must have seen the spark I felt for Alex last time we meet or maybe my eyes got bigger or the soft smile playing at my lips, who knows how the little Luthor found out my secret but she seemed really cool about it.   

"I guess I'm going then," I tell her and look down at my own hands. 

"No worries Maggie I won't toss you under the bus just yet, Alex is already crushing on you hard. But I know you might be trying to keep it cool, no worries as your boss I can tell you there are no rules against you dating someone working here." Lena said with a smile as she stood before me.

My mouth opens and closes a few times as I tried to work out a retort about that. But nothing comes to mind so I just nodded her agreement. "How?" I ask her as soon as I can get my mind working once again.

"I'm been gay since I was ten, I know how to spot a woman who is still hiding her true feelings looks like, that and I am very sharp, I see things most will look by, so you, my dear friend are smitten with the good doctor and she is the same with you," Lena said. "now, welcome to L-corp I am happy to have you, my head of security." she added with a smile at Maggie's shock at the title.

Oh lord, what have I gotten myself into... Little Luthor she will be the death of me for sure. 

Lena Luthor A Love Story Book 1 (Raw not edited)Where stories live. Discover now