Part 5. Job?

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"You know I like it when you called me Babe," Kara says as we walk into our room.

"You did?" I ask in a playful tone.

"I did, so Lena tell me more how much you love me and want me?" she asks clearly in a playful mood as she stands near our bed. "And think we can.. you.. know?" Kara blushes and looks from Lena to the bed and back to her.

"I would never push you for anything Kara," I say as I pull her into my arms for a hug. "But if you're asking for me to make you scream my name..." I don't finish what I'm saying as I kiss her deeply with need.

Kara pulls back from the kiss and looks at me. "I've never..." she looks embarrassed by what she was about to say, so I save her.

"No worries my Love, I have never been with a woman before myself. So this will be all new for us both." I admit and kiss her once more.

With that, I pull Kara onto the bed slowly and shut the lights off.


Waking up with Kara wrapped around me, with her soft skin all on me is a new must-have. I find that there are new things about Kara that I know I need and want now. She has gotten herself firmly into a place in my heart now. I look at her sleeping face and smile. She is so lovely and relaxed in her sleep.

A groggy looking Alex is sitting in the kitchen. "Ok so I never knew my sister was that loud," she says as soon as I leave my room in the morning and I can't help but grin.

"Well, I told you I would," I say knowing it would make Alex blush, and it did.

"So, she asleep?" she asks

"Yes, you needed something?" I ask as I start making coffee.

"We need to talk about my sister," she admits

"Ok, anything she is my world," I say

"I think we might be having a problem soon, Clark texted me saying that he has strange men following him, and he fears for Kara's safety," Alex says as she looks down at her hands.

"Um ok, that might be bad," I say as I slide a cup of coffee over to her along with the sugar and cream in the middle of the table for her to pick what she wants as I sit down and drink my own. "Are you planning on telling Kara?" I ask after my first sip.

"Normally I would deal with any problems with her, but I can't be everywhere nowadays." she says as she looks at me.

"Well as it turns out I can be with her every day," I say with a smirk. "And I am also not without resources. We'll talk to Lex tonight and I'm sure he'll help with anything we need." I smile as Alex seems to relax at hearing this. "You've been taking care of her all by yourself since she got here?" I ask

"Can't trust anyone or don't want to endanger anyone... Kara picked you, I am sorry it puts you in danger, but it's best you know and can be prepared for it." Alex says

"I understood what I was getting into Alex, keeping Kara safe is going to be my lifelong job." I say as I drink my coffee and watch Alex. "Now Alex tells me what studies have you done, on our girl?" I ask

"Almost none, out of fear that someone would get the reports," she says and I know she is a true scientist at heart.

"Ok, Bio is not my area of expertise but I know Lexcorp has one of the west coast's best labs," I tell her.

"Ok?" she seems confused by this and then light clicks on. "Lexcorp.. as in Lex Luthor... your brother?" she blinks at just now realizing just how rich I am.

"Yes that's my brother, I guess Kara forgot to tell you my name, that's a Kara move for-sure." I smile as I think of Kara.

"You know just at saying her name you go all goo-goo eyed and have a smile plastered on your face. That does tell me a lot about you, Lena." Alex smirks. "And yes she forgot that detail, but as you know Kara don't care about money in the way most people do, she is kind of clueless about some human details like that," Alex says as she drinks her coffee.

"I see, well now you know your baby sister is now sleeping with a Luthor, how do you feel about it?" I ask as I look at her.

"Thrilled, and happy for her," Alex says with a true smile.

"I'm glad to hear that, so will you work at Lexcorp, in the labs?" I ask her and earn a few blinks showing her confusion. "It's just as much mine as it's Lex's so getting three jobs there won't be a problem, one for you and Kara and one for myself where I already knew I would be anyways. I can deal with the Tech and you can deal with any Bio needs we'll have." I say already thinking what kind of labs we'll need and some things that need to be done first.

"You want me helping?" Alex looks at me.

"Alex dear your family, I want you to do what you have done best for the last few years keep your sister safe and get paid very well for it," I say

"Ok, sure I'll do whatever it takes to keep my sister safe," Alex says

I get up and go hug her. "I'm glad," I say

"Well, I get one of those?" Kara asks as she walks out of the bedroom dressed in nothing but one of my long night tees.

"Come here and have as many as you want, my love," I say as I look at her and now I might be drooling at seeing her. Damn

Seeing my look must have pleased Kara, she rushed over in a blink and pulled me into a soft hug and deep kiss. "I love you, Lena, you're my life now too," she tells me as I am left breathless from the kiss.

Lena Luthor A Love Story Book 1 (Raw not edited)Where stories live. Discover now