Forgive Me, Godson

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All the Heads of House were currently sitting around Dumbledore's desk with steaming cups of tea and sweets that had been forced onto them the moment they came into the room by the older man. Shockingly, Snape found himself among them. Even though he had been hired as Potions Master for the upcoming year, (something that Voldemort at the time had been highly pleased with) he hadn't expected to become the new Head of Slytherin House. Although it made sense once he really considered it; the only other Slytherin teacher was Sinistra and she was notorious for caring more about the stars than anything else. At one point in time, she had told Snape that the only reason she was on the side of the Light, and not neutral, was because Hogwarts had a better view of the night sky than anywhere else in Britain.

After they all got settled and everyone had greeted and congratulated Snape with warm unwavering smiles, Dumbledore started. "Welcome friends, I have gathered you here today to discuss some changes I would like to make for the upcoming school year."

Everyone waited for him to continue, curious about what was to come. "I think it would be beneficial for the students if we changed their living arrangements." Madam Sprout gasped and Minerva's mouth had gone tight. Flitwick, however, just cocked his head as he waited for more information. "I believe that merging the Houses, at least for sleeping arrangements, will help influence the children in a positive way." Dumbledore shot a quick look towards Snape before moving on. They all knew he was referring to the Slytherins. And unfortunately, Snape had to agree with him. Putting a bunch of impressionable children with older kids, whom had already been brainwashed themselves to believe the same things as their parents and the Dark Lord, didn't help them to grow into stable adults. Severus wondered how his life might have been had they done this when he was still a student, if he would have still gone to the Dark Lord.

It was too late to wonder about that now.

Minerva seemed to have questions, "What of the House Cup? And Quidditch? What will happen to us?" All good questions. Madam Sprout was nodding along and even Flitwick was frowning slightly now.

"Worry not, Minerva, everything else will remain as it was. As first years they will be sorted into their Houses but all the students will be living in the same place. I believe the best way to do this is to dorm Slytherins with Gryffindors and Ravenclaws with Hufflepuffs. This way they may grow and become more well-rounded wizards and witches." Dumbledore's voice was soft and he was staring off into the distance, though Severus was not sure why.

Minerva spoke up then. "But Albus if we are doing this, wouldn't it be better to have one student from each House in a dorm?"

Dumbledore looked pensive for a moment before answering. "Maybe, my dear. However, I believe this would be for the best. I believe bringing them together this way will be the most beneficial." No one tried to argue with the man because they could all see that he was dead set on this. Severus thought it was a bit foolish to spew House unity and then not to truly unite them but he bit that remark back.

The older man continued explaining how it would be better for everyone and that there would still be House rivalry that allowed growth and competition. And Dumbledore had worked out all the plans already and had asked the castle to provide for their needs. They talked, and got all the remaining questions sorted out before leaving for dinner.

The meeting had taken place during Harry's naptime and some of the house-elves were watching over him. When Severus arrived back in his rooms one of the house-elves had Harry in her lap, rocking the boy as she quietly sung to him while the others were setting the dining table.

Severus sat, eating his roast, and contemplated what had occurred today. It was for the best that this was going to happen. It would be better for Harry's safety - all the student's safety really. Those more likely to become Death Eaters in the coming war might be swayed or deterred, and those who weren't would be easier to keep an eye on. They would put portraits in the common rooms that had sibling paintings within the Headmaster's office so that if anything went wrong they could be informed immediately. And prefects from the upper years would be assigned to take care of the new students.

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