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(I wrote this chapter on my computer so the spacing is different :P)

I was rudely woken up to the sound of my laptop ringing.

"Who's Skyping me so early?!" I mumbled out loud to myself. I rolled onto my side and put my glasses on, checking the time.

I groaned and opened my laptop. Of course it was Sean. I answered the call.

"Don't you ever sleep?!" I grumbled at him.

"Nah, I'm up 24/7 thanks to the power of coffee!!" He yelled at me through the screen. I rolled my eyes at him.

"What do you want?" I folded my arms.
"Damn you're grumpy in the morning!" He smirked.

"I am when I'm woken up at 9am for an unknown reason."

"Alright I'll let you slide this time." He joked.



"You're the one who called me! What do you want?"

"Oh yeah!" He laughed, "I was just scrolling through YouTube...."

"And?" I raised an eyebrow, confused as to where this was going.

"And I saw that you actually made a channel!" He bounced up and down on his bed excitedly.

"Oh, yeah. I did that yesterday afternoon."

"Have you check your channel recently?"

"Ummm no? I figured it would be a while until people saw my video..."

"Go check!" I reached over to my nightstand, grabbed my phone, and opened up YouTube.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" I had over 200 subscribers?! "HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!"

"I told you people would like you!" I vaguely heard him say as I scrolled through the comments of my video.

-hey look! Y/n finally made a channel!

-"a friend" wanted you to start a channel... it's probably jack

-how are you so pretty?! And funny?! And overall awesome even though I've only seen one video of you?!

I smiled.

"I didn't actually think people would like me.."

"What?! That's ridiculous you're amazing!"

I didn't know how to respond. I wasn't good at taking compliment so I just said I quick 'thanks' and blushed a little.

"I don't know what to do next for a video..." I thought out loud.

"You should do a vlog! So that people can get to know you a little better."

"Alright, I guess I'll do that! Bye, Sean."

"Bai!" I closed the laptop and got up. I was awake now, so I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. I changed into black jeans, a burgundy top, and a jean jacket. (pictured above again!) I brushed my hair, grabbed the camera, and turned it on.

"Hey everyone! I don't have an intro yet so I'll probably just be saying random things for a while... anyways welcome to my very first vlog and my second video ever!" I said excitedly to the camera.

"I have quite a bit to do today. I need to paint a little bit, then I'll probably go get some coffee, go to the store, and I might stop by at my friends apartment for a while. Wow, exciting, I know. My life is full of adventures!" I said sarcastically. I paused the recording for a minute so I could set it up on the table in my art studio while I finished a drawing I was working on. I thought it would look cool to to a time lapse on it. After I finished that I picked the camera back up.

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