The Coronation Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

I give him a funny look, a strange bubbly feeling washing over me, "My room?" I say, my voice filled with humor, "I'd rather go to your room." I say, giving him a wink. 


"Look, Josh, this isn't some serious relationship, I'm not looking for a commitment here, I'm only fifteen you perverted-"

"Katie!" He interrupts. He starts walking, his arm supporting me as I attempt to follow him. Looking around, my vision blurred, I smile at the people and I notice some girls have something very big and round around their waists and I can't but giggle. It looks like they're stuck in giant cupcakes. 

Next thing I know I'm up against the stairs on the next level, my mind still caught up on the girls stuck in cupcakes. 

"We're almost there." His voice says, taking my attention. His strange touch makes me feel calmer, and I feel like hugging him.

He opens a door leading to a large room with one large bed. "We're going to get in trouble." He mumbles. I let him bring me over to the bed, setting me down gently, and pulling the blankets onto my lap. His hand going to my feet startle me, and I jump, giggling from the tickling sensation as he takes off my shoes.

"Stop, that tickles!" He sets the shoes on the ground next to me, his head close to my face. Standing back up, his face stops near mine. His breath brushes my lips, and I want so badly to touch his cheekbones, trace his whole face. Every perfect feature. 

And, I do something bad that sober me would never have done. I take his face and press his lips onto mine. 

 My stomach flutters as his warm lips open up to mine. My hands travel to his shoulders, pulling him towards me so he's leaning over the bed, his hands on either side of my hips, keeping himself steady. "Katie-" He says on my lips. Letting go, needing to breathe I look at him. And I realize what I'd done. "I think you've been drugged." He says. Doing the right thing he stands up, brushing his lips with his fingers looking confused. "Get some sleep." Is all he says before turning off the light. And locking the door. 

I flop onto the bed, feeling trapped in the dress, and feeling dumb for kissing him. 'You don't even know him' 'He could be the smurf!' 'You just kissed the smurf' 'You must be really drunk'.

I jump up from the bed, finding the zipper of the dress and taking it off, then sprinting to the bathroom to empty the poison in my stomach. Numb, I sit by the toilet, and finally go back to the bed and fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.


I jump up from the bed. I see the light on, and when I look out the window I see that it's still night. The sound of people laughing and glasses of wine clinking together are still going on downstairs. My coronation continues without me. I feel cold air make goosebumps on my arms as I realize I'm wearing close to nothing. Looking on the floor, I see my dress thrown on the marble floor. I feel like I'm hungover. 

My breathing stops when I hear footsteps in the room. I still and want so badly to lay back down and go to bed...but...Looking to my left right in front my face stands Scott May. I jump up from the bed, adrenaline rushing into my blood, taking away a headache. "Scott?" I say, my voice cracking. "What are you doing in here?" I ask. I take several steps backward until my back hits the wall. And I'm trapped. He walks closer to me, his figure broad and taunting as his eyes trail the map of my body, his eyes taking in every little detail. I look down and see my bare thick legs and arms. Right away I move my hands over my stomach.

"Katie." He says, his voice like a terrifying caress against my ears as he continues to walk closer to me. As I'm wearing close to nothing, I take in his appearance. Black cloak, black jeans with the tag still dangling from it, and a tight fitted black tank top that hug the muscles that he out of nowhere seems to possess. I blink as my mind tries to think of a way away from him, but nothing comes to mind. Where's Kallan? Or Jace and Tony? Where are my friends?

A sour breath makes my eyes snap open, and right in front of me is Scott. His face so close to mine. His cold finger starts on my hip and trails up. I cringe, "Scott stopped. Get away from me, now!" I say to him, trying to push him away, but as my hand touches his shoulder to move him away, his other hand grabs my wrist. 

"I saw the way you were cozying up to Jace and Tony." He whispers, his lips coming closer to my skin. "Maybe you could cozy up to me a bit." It's not a suggestion. His body pressed against mine and I try not to squeal. I feel like throwing up again. 

"Get off me, Scott-"

His lips stop me from continuing. I try to force my head back but his hand comes to the back of my head and deepens the kiss. My insides twist. He forces my mouth open, and then as he's about to continue, I spit in his mouth. His hand clamps his mouth in surprise. Taking my chance, I run to the door trying to turn the knob. But it won't open. It's locked. "You're going to regret doing that." I hear him curse behind me. I bang on the door, trying to get anyone's attention, even if it's someone drunk from the party. His cold hand stops my hand. 

His arm goes around my waist and he pushes me toward the bed, pushing me onto the soft cushions. And he's on me. His hand travels down my stomach and stops. "Please," I whisper to him, my nerves jumping out my skin. "Stop." 

"Sorry but I have specific orders." He says back. His mouth comes close to my ear and he kisses the skin behind. My hand goes to his chest and I feel cold metal come into my hand. A dagger. I raise it up and push it into his stomach. He makes a groan, and his hands go to the dagger still punctured in him. 

My whole body goes cold and I push him off the bed. 'You killed him!' 'You just killed someone!'. I try not to look at his body as I lift myself from the bed and run to the door, taking a blanket with me. I wrap the warm blanket around my freezing skin and bang on the door again. This time, the door opens. 

"Katie?" Spencer says. Tears cloud my vision and I feel like throwing up. Her eyes scan the area, seeing Scott laying in a pool of his own blood. "What the hell happened in here?" She asks me. 

"He tried to-" A sob escapes my throat. 'He's dead'. 

I stumble to the bed, hand on my heart, counting every beat. 'You're alive'.

An arm wraps around me and I melt into the warm skin. "You're safe now." She whispers into my ear soothingly. My pulse slows and I stay there, sobbing into her shoulder.

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