Chapter 33 - Making A Hash Of It

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Millicent waltzed around the restaurant. Greeting everyone she knows and introducing herself to those she doesn't.

However, Randall....Benny's Pop made a beeline straight for the birthday girl.

"Norman my dear boy, so lovely to see you again. Your description didn't do your establishment justice"  Milly gushed as her cheek was presented for me to kiss.

When Benny peered across the room at us both? She gave me a huge smile....and I know I'm in trouble big-time. It appears someone has spilled the beans?

I give Ash and the guys a hand. We push some of the tables together to make one long one. As everyone starts to sit themselves down I shepherd Benny to a seat.

I'm really trying hard to keep my hands to myself. So I have to make do with a gentle, surreptitious rub down her back. Pulling out a chair for her she began to sit down, whispering under her breath to me through her smile....

"Hope you're not allergic to nuts, Mister? Because I'm a hair's breadth away from kicking yours up into your throat!"

Yup....I'm deep in shit all right  😆

Benny's team outdo themselves. Food just keeps coming out and is instantly devoured, accompanied by groans of satisfaction. Pretty soon most conversations grind to a trickle as everyone dives in.

"I'm dirty....give me a fuck!"

I turn to see Matt staring back at Vala in horror, before looking at me in desperation for help.

"Here, have's clean."

I pass it to her before leaning back and grabbing another fork from the booth behind me.

Hold it up to Mattie with a wink. And the look of relief on his face when he finally understood? I couldn't stop laughing.

"This is some bloody good chilli, Norman. I might have to put pressure on the chef to hand over the recipe"  Judd smiled at me before glancing down towards Benny.

She's flanked by Sarah and Franz. All three of them are sucking rib sauce off their fingers. Giggling when they realise there's still just as much left behind on their faces.

"I've been reliably informed that pressure isn't necessary. If Taylor Swift songs are used as....persuasion. Have yet to test that theory myself. But if it fails, pal? Gimme a yell and I'll email it to you."


Plates were cleared and drinks refreshed. At Benny's insistence, her crew and the front of house guys join in the party.

She caught my eye and gave a slight smiling nod towards the Misses. Who are lapping up the attention from Ash, Nathan and Liev.

The hubbub started up again, especially from the end of the table where most of Benny's family were sitting. Randall got up and wandered our way. Flopping down on the chair Bill pulled out for him.

"They at it again already, Dad?"  Bill asked him in resignation.

"I heard Momster say something about a new property in Atlanta?"

The roll of Randall's eyes and shake of his head in reply must've spoken volumes. Judd saw the confusion on my face, turned to me and started whispering.

"They can't help themselves. Soon as they get together, even a bloody funeral for fuck's sake? Shop talk takes over."

"It's no wonder my baby cuz always made herself scarce on her birthdays. Don't think the poor kid has ever had any kind of party that Gran didn't turn into an Annual General Meeting."

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