The battle tournaments

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The fight between Sero and Todoroki was also really a really short one. Before any commentary about the fight could be made a glacier of ice shot out from Todoroki and covered half the arena. Sero being left unable to move lost the match, making Todoroki the winner. The audience was stunned by his power and was sure he would make it to the final battle. Meanwhile Izuku had only one thought on his mind 'I have to fight that!'

Iida's fight with Hatsume was, if possible, even more humiliating than Mina's fight with Shinso. At first he was allowed to use some of Mei'sgear in their fight, which seemed fair. Then Mei decided to turn the entire battle into a commercial for her support gear. At the end of the 15 minute long presentation Iida was completely and utterly humiliated, having being used as a tool the entire time. To top it all of she ended the fight by stepping out of bounds, giving the victory to Iida. He wasn't in his best mood afterwards.

The fight between Tokoyami and Yaoyorozu was a one sided one. He kept using Dark shadow to push Momo towards the boundary, while she kept on trying to desperatly defending herself by making shields. Eventually she was pushed out of bounds without the chance to fight back. The same could be said for the next fight. Kaminari tried an all out attack, short circuiting his brain. Shiozaki blocked it all with wall of vines and throwing the now significantly dumber Kaminari out of bounds. He had to be carried away while holding his thumbs up with a stupid smile.

Aoyama was unfortunate to face Bakugo in the first round, not standing a chance. Bakugo kept using his explosion to dodge the lasers. Entually he just blew his opponent out of bounds when he got a stomach ache from overuse of his quirk. Many people believed Tetsutetsu would win the next fight with ease. It din't turn out that way however. Uraraka managed to dodge the oncoming attacks well enough, just gaining a few bruises. Eventualy the steel quirk user made a mistake and Uraraka managed to cancell out his gravity. He was completely unable to fight without gravity, making Uraraka the last person to move into the second round. She was also the next person to fight Bakugo. "THAT WAS THE END OF THE FIRST ROUND LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! WE HAVE SEEN SOME VERY INTERESTING CANDIDATES FOR THE NEXT FIGHTS. WE WILL HAVE A SHORT BREAK BEFORE WE BEGIN THE SECOND ROUND" Present Mic announced, ending the first round.

Izuku and Shinso walked up to the fighting arena to face eachother, Shinso getting a slightly more impressive intro than last time. "Start!" Midnight yelled, but none of the two teens moved. Midoriya shot his tethers down into the ground and pressed a couple buttons. "What are you even doing here? Do you really a quirkless loser like you can become a hero?" Shinso said trying to get a response. "Nice weather to day, isn't it?" Izuku said, completly off topic. Shinso became very confused at this response in addition of his quirk not kicking into effect. "Interesting, it seems it has to be a direct response to something he said" Izuku continued "The combination of quirkless and watching every hero fight possible has made me quite good at analyzing quirks" he said talking to himself while making sure Shinso heard him. "Come on! Take this seriously and fight me!" Shinso yelled, angered by the fact someone found a weakness he had never considered. "Of course" Izuku said as his eyes turning white when the brainwashing quirk took over. "Step out of bounds" the purple haired teen said with a smile on his face.

Izuku started to move, but was stopped by the theters that was stuck in the ground. He tried to turn and pull them out, but they were stuck. Shinso's smile was now replaced with a angered face, as he realized what Izuku had planned. He ran over to Izuku and mustered all his force into a single punch, trying to knock his opponent out with a single punch. The punch was powerful and made Izuku's nose bleed, but it didn't have the desired effect. Instead it removed the effects of the brainwashing. Izuku immediatly kicked into action, not giving his opponent time to think. He flew across the ground with his odm-gear and before Shinso could even turn around he was kicked out of bounds. "Shinso is out of bounds! Midoriya proceeds to the third round!" Midnight announced. "You may not have won this time, but you won't get anywhere by giving up" Izuku said walking over to his defeated opponent and offering his hand "If the is one thing I have learned is that you just have to keep pushing onwards, even if it seems impossible. If can make it into the hero course, then anyone can!" Shinso looked up at the hand offered to him and seemed hesitant, but took it and stood up. "Thank you. I will keep trying, I promise" he said and walked of towards the exit. Before he went out of the arena some of his classmates complimented him and cheered on him.

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