Chapter 2.5;

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Random alley

So imma continue where we left off.
So these three guys throw knives at us right we dodge them of course, cause we're awesome and whatnot then..

"Oh common Percy speed up the intro, it's getting boring"

"I agree with Thalia here Perce"

"Can we get on with it we were throwing knives at you guys" unimportant goon 4 to 6 say in union.

"So are guys like triplets or something, cause you guys are ugly and that was just freaky kinda like the fates, like the talking in union thing cause you know? Your all well unimportant characters and probably won't be remembered after this chapter and yeah I'm going of topic here, but reall-


"Okay okay I get it".

"So as I was monologuing wait is it monologuing th-"

"Sorry again it's the ADHD".

Anyway the triplets threw the knives at us and we dodged of course but the 1,2 and 3 come at us as we are dodging and let me tell now it's hard to dodge a knife that your momentum is carrying you straight at. It is not easy which is why we fail to do so and all have matching stab wounds now, at this point a man in a skintight blue leotard with bat designs, and let me tell you, the leggings are doing him no favors.
  After he shows up the goons start shaking like they're at Alaska in bathing suits. And then he throws a frisbee and it hits all of them and they kinda all fall he then turns to us to ask us if we needed help we of course said no   Because my mom always told me not to talk to pedophiles with deadly frisbees.

(A/N so that is basically the summary of what happened from Percy's point of view also from now on the chapters may be a bit cracking but not to much there will be serious chapters too)

Goon 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 did eventually manage to get to Alaska but they had falsely believed they were going to Australia for some sun this winter. So they showed up at Alaska in their swim trunks , they were very cold , said goons are currently in the ER fighting possibly the single worst case of pneumonia

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