Chapter Twenty-One: Never Forgotten

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A/N: Okay guys, this is the final chapter of One Look, One Kiss. I hope you've enjoyed this book. I enjoyed writing it a lot. It was fun. It was a new experience. So enjoy this last chapter. Thanks for reading this. It means a lot to me.

Bren's POV

3 years later

Things have been difficult. It's been lonely actually without Becca here. Today is the three year anniversary since her death. I wish she made it that day. I haven't found anyone else since. I don't plan on it either. Tyson wouldn't be able to handle it and neither would I. Everyone has been supportive over the years. Kyle and Billie have been extremely kind to us. Audrey has taken Tyson when needed. Tyson and Aiden have gotten really close now. He's a thirteen year old boy now. Aiden is the same age. They seem inseparable now. After everything that's happened, Tyson needs a good friend. Although, I'm thinking they're becoming more than friends. Tyson doesn't need to say anything. I know he likes her. There's no doubt about it.

A knock came from the door. I opened it and it was everyone who was in the hospital room with Becca that day. Except now there's little Rebecca, Kyle's and Billie's daughter. They named her after Becca in her honor. Rebecca is only two. She's the cutest thing. Becca would've loved her to death. "You ready to go," Kyle asked. I nodded and grabbed my keys and purse. Tyson and Tyler followed me out the door and shut it. We were off to the cemetary to visit Becca. We all don't get together enough to all travel and visit her grave as a family.

We arrived at the cemetary fifteen minutes later. We walked silently to her grave. Once we got there, we placed out bouquets of flowers in front of the grey marble stone. We all said a few words and slowly began to leave separately. Tyson, Tyler, and I were the last ones to leave. "We miss you Becca. I hope you're watching over us. I miss you so much. I wish you didn't have to die on this day three years ago. I l-o-o-ove you Becca," I choked out at the last sentence. Then we left her in peace. I had tears crawling down my face. I always cried whenever I visited her. It was no surprise to the boys. They wrapped their arms around me.

"We miss her too Bren. You're not alone. She was really nice and she was a great friend," Tyler said to me.

"She was the only family that I really had back then until I met you and your family and seeing my cousin again. She was like my mother Bren. Now you have taken her place and you've done a great job at it," Tyson said with tears also trailing down his face but with comforting words.

"Thanks guys. She would be glad to know that you both have been looking out for each other. You're brothers and best friends. She would be happy for us. She would be happy that we've managed to get this far in our lives without holding ourselves back in tremendous grief," I spoke as I wiped away my tears. We gave each other another hug and then were off back home. It was time for us to continue on with our lives. We all know that we still have a piece of her in our hearts that won't ever leave.

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