Chapter Thirteen: First Night Here

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On the right is a picture of what Tyson would look like :) Cute kid right?

Rebecca's POV

Tyson was holding my hand when we walked through the front door. I had a large bag filled with clothes for the two of us to last a bit. Bren led us upstairs and to the guest room that she mentioned to the officer. When she opened the door, I was amazed. It was so elegantly decorated. It had this calming effect as soon as you walked through the door. I smiled softly and placed the bag on the bed. "I know it's not much, but at least it's something," Bren said with her arms crossed over her chest. I bit my tongue. She looked so alluring with the way she's standing right now. What drew me out of my trance was Tyson's cute little laugh. I looked over to him and he was jumping on the king size bed and already making a small pillow fort. I sighed and couldn't help but to laugh softly and shake my head. Bren did as well. Her laugh was to die for. It was like music.

"Tyson, knock it off," I said in an amused tone. He peeked his head out from under the pillows. That smile of his was wider and brighter than ever. Why does he always have to look so adorable when he smiles like that? Well, it's that age I guess. He's going to be six soon. Within the month. He crawled over to the edge of the bed and flopped on his stomach, still laughing. I smiled and started tickling him. It's a game that we play together. Bren saw how happy the two of us were with each other. Then her phone went off. A text message from someone.

"Dinner's ready you two. I'll meet you downstairs. You can get cleaned up in the bathroom over there," Bren said pointing to the door across the room on the left. I nodded my head and brought Tyson into the bathroom to clean him up first since he's a silly kid and can't sit still always. I watched her walk out of the room. She made eye contact with me and smiled. My breath instantly hitched and stayed lodged in my throat.


Dinner was a bit awkward for Tyson and I with Bren's family. Evan sat next to Tyson and he was making the kid laugh. Evan sure knew how to make Tyson laugh. It seems like the two of them have already gotten along. Tyler was quiet during the entire meal. Rose kept going on and on about her friends and shit. I thought my head was going to explode. No wonder why Bren hates the woman so much. Then her dad made some small talk with me, just trying to get to know me a little more than what Bren has told them. "So, Rebecca, what do you plan on doing after you graduate high school," Mr. Sanders politely asked before putting another piece of seasoned chicken in his mouth.

"Well, I was planning on going to college but someone needs to watch over Tyson when I'm gone. I'm really the only person he has left. I'll go to school when I'm ready to," I stated. I took a sip of my water. I feel so awkward right now. It's not even funny. Bren has been silent this entire time. Was she usually like this at her family meals?

"I see. I understand that quite well, Rebecca. I lost my parents when I was only seventeen and my brother was only nine. Someone had to take charge after they left. So, I did the same thing as you plan on doing," Mr. Sanders said. Wow, I actually feel connected with Bren's father already and I haven't known him for very long.

"Dad, may I be excused? I'm not feeling well," Bren asked. Her voice sounded weird. Something was up for sure. He nodded and she cleared her plate. Next thing I know is that she's bolting up the stairs and closing a door. I was slightly worried. Was she okay?

I heard Tyson yawn. He was exhausted and I don't blame him. It's been a few hectic days of late. We all cleared our plates and then I carried Tyson upstairs with Evan and Tyler following behind. "Your brother is a cute kid, Becca," Evan said with a friendly smile.

"Thanks, many people say that about him," I replied. A smile coated my face softly. We all said good night to each other. I walked to the guest bedroom and got Tyson into his pajamas. He looked at me with sleepy eyes. "Time for bed, buddy," I spoke softly. He crawled up towards the pillows and rested his head on one of them. He didn't even get under the sheets. I smiled and I put a blanket over him. I kissed his forehead and wished him sweet dreams. I turned the lamp on the nightstand on the side where I'm going to sleep and shut the overhead light off. The room was lit up softly by the dim yellow light. It was cozy and comforting. I let out a deep relaxing breath and pulled out my pajamas. I slipped out of my clothes and pulled my nightwear on over my body. I placed my hair in a ponytail and crawled under the covers. I reached out my arm and flipped the switch on the lamp off. I let myself then drift off to sleep. Hopefully the night goes well and undisturbed by the demons of the night.

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