Chapter Four: Court Day

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Rebecca's POV
3 weeks later

Dad had Tyson and I move into his apartment, which was actually closer to the daycare that Tyson goes to. It was Monday, another day that I get to see Bren. Just thinking about her put a wide smile on my face. Dad was all dressed up. A medium gray suit, a white dress shirt with a regular white shirt underneath due to the fact the dress shirt is partially see-through, a black tie neatly placed under the collar of his shirt, and a pair of well taken care of black dress shoes to complete the outfit. He looked like a real gentleman, ready to go to work or look presentable for a court date. "How do I look," dad asked, his voice slightly shaky from the increase of the jitters passing through his nerve endings. I gave him a smile as I continued to make Tyson's lunch.

"Great, you look ready to kick mom's ass," I told him with confidence and a comforting smile. He smiled back and ruffled Tyson's hair, letting the boy laugh with a carefree attitude. Dad kissed the top of Tyson's head and then kissed me on the cheek. He said goodbye, then was out the door with his briefcase in hand. I let out a soft sigh, then glancing at the clock, realizing that I had to get going. I quickly cleaned up Tyson's breakfast and then we were off to the daycare.


I got to school, finally. I parked my car next to Bren's. I now know what she drives, not trying to be a stalker or anything. Ever since that day, Bren and I have become good friends. Sam was still suspended but he's going to be returning to school later on this week. I didn't want him to come back yet. I'm still afraid of him actually, but that's to be expected. He beat me and Bren in the hallway, let alone bullying and raping me. I was heading to my locker when I met up with Bren. "Rebecca," she called out. I turned around and I expressed a smile. Just the way she said my name made my heart flutter beyond control. Why do I have to feel like this towards her?

Bren came running up to me and wrapped her arms around me. I was, yet again, intoxicated by her perfume. She always wore that French vanilla perfume. I didn't want to let her go. I wanted to hold her close to me as much as possible. It felt so right for her to be in my arms. "How's things with your dad? I know things have been tense since we were in the hospital," Bren said once we broke the hug. I wasn't in the mood to really talk about that at the moment.

"I'm not really in the mood talking about that. He's at court at the moment, trying to settle things," I said solemnly. I really didn't want to talk about my parents right now. It's just difficult knowing that my parents have to settle a custody claim on Tyson and I just because my mom wouldn't clean up her act. I let out a soft sigh. The light in my eyes faded. Bren saw my reaction to her question. She wrapped her arms around me again, trying to make me feel better. "It's just so fucking hard! Why does my family have to be torn apart by such a little thing?"

"Becca, shh. You're going to be fine. I got you. I got you hun," Bren said in a soft and soothing voice. I softly let out a shaky breath as my tears began to slowly fall. Wait, since when does she call me 'Becca'? She's never called me Becca before. Why now? Was she making a move on me? What was going on?


Mr. Swan's POV

"Ms. Swan, do you know why you're called to court today?" I was sitting patiently in one of the wooden chairs before the judge. I looked directly at my wife, a narrow eyed glare expressed at her. She was ignoring me. Was it because she was pissed off at me since I'm trying to take our children away from her?

"No, your honor. Why am I here?" Her voice was sly, irritated to say the least.

"We're here to settle the custody of your two children, Ms. Swan." The judge gave a scowl at the woman. I expressed a smirk. At least someone else is giving her a serious look that isn't me.

"I deserve custody of my children, your honor," she responded with a slight hiss behind her words.

"Mr. Swan, do tell us what your daughter told you a few weeks ago when she was admitted to the hospital." The judge turned his gaze towards me. I stood up and cleared my throat before I started to speak.

"My daughter told me that her mother, my wife, hasn't cleaned up her act within the past two months since I walked out of the house. I warned my wife that if she didn't clean up her act, I would take her to court to take away the custody of our children from her. She's an alcoholic, your honor, and apparently, according to my daughter, she has not improved on even attempting to clean up her act and or even get help to prevent her from retreating back to the bottles of liquor to wash away her stresses and struggles." The judge nodded his head and looked back at my wife.

"Are these accusations correct, Ms. Swan?" The judge gave her a stone cold stare with a stone plastered face expressing a stern manner of facial expression.

"I don't know what my daughter is talking about, your honor. She is clearly making up these frivolous lies to have her father take her and my son away from me." There was this certain tone twisted with her vile words of deceit. I knew she was lying. I knew her too well.

"Ms. Swan, please do not lie. Answer the question please. Are these accusations correct?" The judge was very serious. My wife was taking this as a joke. This isn't a funny matter.

"No, your honor." Oh, she's trying to play the all goodie goodie and all innocent gimmick.

"Excuse me, your honor, may I speak?" I asked politely. He nodded his head and listen attentively. "My wife has been drinking for many years now. She was drinking when she was pregnant with both of our children and after they were born. I knew that she was putting herself as well as our children at harm's risk of injury in any manner. That's why I took my leave from my home. I needed to get away, but I knew that I couldn't take my children with me since I knew that she would put up a fight and I didn't need my children to see her attack in rage when she was under the influence of alcohol."

The judge's eyes widen in utter disbelief. "Is this true, Ms. Swan?"

Her cheeks had drained of color and her face was now ghostly pale. She had no way to lie out of this one. She knew that these facts were indeed true. "Yes, your honor." She bowed her head in shame and excepted defeat.

"Ms. Swan, you are now no longer in custody of Rebecca and Tyson Swan. Now, let the police take you to the station for some questioning and to decide what's best for you at your current state," the judge spoke. She slowly stood up and walked out of the court room with two officers standing on either side of her.

The judge signed the document as well as I to prove that I have official custody over my children. I sighed with relief. Now Rebecca and Tyson will be safe from any future harm from their mother.

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