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I  open my eyes to see it's already morning.

"Taylor get up and turn your alarm off" my mother yelled from downstairs. I quickly turn it off not wanting to irritate her anymore. I sit up and notice my books open still from last nights study session.
I cant believe I fell asleep while studying if I do that again I'm going to have to cancel on my plans and catch up.

I closed all my books and removed the covers from my body. Mornings consist of me making my bed immediately to avoid any chances of a mess later. I'm a little bit of a clean freak.

I walked into the bathroom and immediately stripped down to take a shower. I like to start off everyday with the same routine- cleanliness.

I brush my teeth and do all the morning stuff I usually do including putting on my perfume.  I changed into my light blue button up shirt and jean shorts with a pair of vans. People hate my style but I think it's simple and appropriate.

I went downstairs and poured a cup of coffee and put some bread in the toaster. While I wait I just drink my coffee and listen to the morning news. My toast pops up and I put butter on it. I eat my toast then grab my bag and head into my moms room. I tell her a quick bye and love you and she replies with a "Don't you think those shorts are a little too short?".

"I think they are fine look they even go past my finger tips" I reply quickly before exiting before she can tell me to change.

If you can't tell I have a very conservative upbringing. My father is a pastor. He is currently at the end of a three month long missions trip that he lead over the summer. I have a lot of respect for my dad giving all his time to help others.

I got into my car and left for school.
Today was not sunny which I kind of like. People are usually depressed when the sun isn't out but that's not how feel. I love the rain it's so peaceful.

The ride was fast. If I'm being completely honest I could walk to school every day but my appearance wouldn't be so presentable if I did.

I reached the school and pulled into my designated parking parking spot. I turned off my car and hoped out. I grabbed my bag ,locked the doors ,and headed towards the school.

Once I got in it wasn't that crowded. I like the be early and have time to prepare for the day.

I decide that I need to go to the bathroom just Incase my hair has been affected from the rainy weather.
I walked into the restroom and immediately saw Ariana Grande.

Ariana was the schools most popular girl at school probably because the cliché 'she's the cheer captain dating the quarterback'.

She was wearing mini pleaded skirt and a crop top topped off with a pair of heals. This was her look for her when she wasn't in her cheer uniform and classic pony tail.

She was leaned over the sink looking in the mirror. She was applying lipgloss to her plump lips.

I walked to the other mirror and fixed my baby hairs from my braid. My hair was frizzy and sticking out while Ariana's platinum blonde hair was straight and smooth.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't jealous of her.  Everything about her was perfect.

Perfect lips
Perfect hair
Perfect makeup
Perfect body.

"Ari I don't wanna be here let's ditch" one of her friends said walking out of the stall.

It's literally the third day of school I can't even think about missing classes today. Just the thought of them ditching makes me stress out a little.

I leave the bathroom quickly as I see my hair will just be unfixable today.

I go to my locker and make everything organized inside the small metal space.
Shortly after the bell rang. I then noticed the school has been filled with all the students.

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