"You matter?"


"Are you just here to annoy me?"

"You think I want to be here?"

"Then what are you doing here?"

Reaching this point of the conversation, Lisa stood behind me, hand on my shoulder as she greets the older woman.

"Did you miss me too much?"

"Ani, I'm here for Jennie. I actually forgot you existed."

The Thai pouted, "Meanie, you're definitely lying, I'm too spec-"

I smacked her face before she could continue with the aegyo, "Nope, shut up."

"So what brings you here?" I turned to chu as if nothing happened.

"We live in the same building."

"I mean, I know that. What I mean is what brings you to my dorm?"

"My shift ended early today and when I was checking out, someone came and paid me to deliver this to you." She held out a brown paper bag. My eyes lit up at the festive cheer taking over the design of the bag, surrounding the logo of the all too familiar cafe.

"Who?" Lisa asked before I could open my mouth, her eyebrows could almost cross from how much she's twisting them.

"I don't know her, she said she was doing it for a friend."

"What is it?" I asked as I receive it from her hold, "A box of Gingerbread cookies and I think a hot flat white.

My head immediately shot to Lisa, a knowing smile plastered on my face. She understood, but at the same time looked highly confused. After transitioning through versatile expressions, it ended with a scoff and a emotionless face as she walks away In typical whatever Lisa attitude.

"Don't you work in the library?"

"Yes, I only did this because someone paid me."


"Still not as much as Lisa though."


"Alright, gotta go. I need sleep." I bid her goodbye, watching her enter her own room a few doors down the corridor.

I turned to my bed to see Lisa lying down in her previous position, but now cuddled into my blanket.

"I guess my secret admirer did make gingerbread happen."

"And they also know where you live, isn't that kinda creepy?"

"Come on. Almost everyone knows where everyone's dorm is. It's normal."

"Or maybe it's Jisoo Unnie."

"Nah, I'm pretty sure she's got her eyes on someone else." I opened the box of cookies, shoving one in her gob just because.

She took it in without argument, chewing loudly to purposely piss me off. I grab the bottom of her chin and forced it close. She smiled back innocently.

As she masticates the content in her mouth, I grabbed one as well and took a bite myself.

"Where's your roommate?"

"Nayeon already went home for Christmas."

"Did her break start earlier?"

"I don't think she really cares."

"Great roommate."

"How about you, Li?"


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