Chapter 50

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Luna's eyes watched Madi's in disbelief. Her eyes had flickered through the child as if she was analysing everything before she spoke something rash. And then, ever so quiet: ''Madi?''

"Luna,'' Madi exhaled, relief and comfort so evident in her voice. And then, there was a choke, and her eyes glistened. ''T-they told stories about you, Luna," Madi said, her voice unreasonably choked. "Nomon a-and Nontu. Every-everytime I asked. They said how brave you were, s-said how you f-fought to live, a-and they said so many times h-how you-you died in honour a-and they said I had 'ta forget ab-about you... a-all up to Praimfaya."

"Well," Luna said, her voice a soft grin. "Seems they can't get rid of me that easily."

And with that, Madi closed the rest of the distance and hugged Luna, clutched on her and sobbed, and Luna held her back because neither of them knew how long until the dream was no longer.


Lexa patched up Luna.

After the revelation that, well, Madi and Luna had known each other for practically their whole lives, it was impossible to turn Luna away. If Lexa did, then Madi would more than likely revolt, and probably scream, throw a tantrum, and yell in her ear for far too long, before deciding that she would be better off with Luna. Her sister.

Essentially, Madi left Lexa with no choice. Neither did Luna, for the matter, who invited herself in with a gasp of ''ai sis'' and all but ran to embrace her sister. Hugging her until her blood stained Madi's shirt.

And so Lexa was there, cleaning Luna's wounds with Luna propped up on the table, as Madi sat by the side, queasiness apparent from her twitching, but all the time she stared at Luna in wonder. And Luna had been the same, a childlike wonder grazing her eyes, something that was once torn away from the violence and them murder now returned.

And Lexa could only wonder why she hadn't seen this before. There were only a few rare lines of Natblida—and more often than not, they would find siblings in the same bloodline. Madi and Luna—and their brother— among them. Lexa had never heard Luna mention a sister if at all—Luna had talked about her brother, mostly—but she had heard mentions of it once only in passing when she was too drunk to care.

''All my family will be dead if I don't do what they want,'' Luna had said, with a slurred laugh. ''My parents, my brother, my si—Toast to that!''

She had tried to confront her, tell Luna that if she could just  survive , then there was no need to cry. But Luna's survival meant her death then, and so, what use was Lexa's comfort?

And therein lied her question once again. How did she not connect the dots?

Everything clicked, once she thought it long enough. Of how Madi had a dead brother and sister—that was dragged away into a Conclave, and of how her family had left before Madi was captured as well. That was Luna and Nus. Of how she saw a visible reaction from Madi when she talked about the Conclave and Luna, the fear that haunted Madi's features was not the fear that Luna was still alive somewhere but because Luna could be alive somewhere, a hope she held against all hope that was sealed when Madi asked the aforementioned question.

Of how Madi refused to tell of her sister's name and ignored all questions that were asked by Clarke or her. Because she wanted to keep it to herself; keep Luna the remnant, Luna the remnant and now revenant, to herself, so they couldn't taint it with words they kept to themselves.

Lexa shook her head and focused on patching up Luna's wounds. The trio had been silent for long, mostly made up of the siblings staring at each other in astonishment, disbelief evident still in their features as the realisation began to settle in. Lexa's only wish was for Clarke to return, so they could send Luna off on her way.

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