“Why would she go to Ryuga?” Takuma asked.

“I don’t know,” Kaname replied. “Ichijo, tell the others we’re going to search for Shion and Mizuki.”

“You got it,” Takuma said.


While Kaname and his group of vampires are getting ready to go search for Shion and Mizuki, Zero and Yuki are out eating.

“What are we doing here again?” Zero asked, wondering why they went to a restaurant in the first place.

“I want to hang out with you,” Yuki said with a smile.

Zero sighs in exasperation. So, after they order and eat, Yuki begins to start up a conversation. Zero didn’t say anything, but space out.

Yuki notice Zero was not paying attention to her. “Zero? Are you even listening? Zero?”

Zero got out of his thought. “Oh, sorry. I was spacing out.”

Yuki can tell Zero was not having fun at all. “Be honest with me.” She places a hand on Zero’s hand. “You rather be here with Mizuki.”

“What? No. I just don’t like hanging out,” Zero denies it.

“Is there something you don’t want to tell me?” Yuki asked.

“No, I don’t have anything to tell you,” Zero answered honestly.

“Come on, there has got to be something on your mind.”

Zero move his hand away from Yuki, and crossed his arms. He refuses to talk.

“Is it about Kaname?” Yuki guessed.

“Kaname? Why would I be thinking that guy?” Zero get irritated.

Yuki notice his change of mood, but continues to move forward. “Were you thinking about Mizuki then?”

Surprising, there is a hint of pink on Zero’s face.

Yuki was probably thinking, ‘Oh my god, he’s blushing!’

Zero notices her stare. “D-Don’t stare at me!”

Yuki giggles. “I think it’s cute.”

Zero averted his eyes to the side to ignore making eye contact with Yuki. “It’s not.” Zero manages to calm down, and the blank expression appears on his face. He looks at Yuki, and unexpectedly asked, “What do you think of Shion?” Then he took a sip of his drink.

Yuki was surprise of the sudden question Zero asks her. “What do I think of Shion? Well, he’s fun to be around with. Almost like he was made for Mizuki.”

Zero almost chokes on his drink.

Yuki was surprise. “Zero!” She grabs a napkin and gives it to Zero. “Are you okay?”

Zero gladly took the napkin to wipe his mouth. “Ahem. I’m fine.” Then he thought, ‘Made for Mizuki?! Damn it! Alright, that’s it. I know she feels the same for me. Just got to make sure I get my feelings clear with her so that she knows.’

As soon as they went back to the academy, they saw Kaname and his group making their way towards them.

“Good morning, Kaname,” Yuki greeted.

Her Knight, His Princess *Zero Kiryu*Where stories live. Discover now