Episode 21

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Episode 21: More Secrets


After Mizuki and Zero found out more about Ryuga, and rent the Kusanagi Clan book, they decided to get back to Cross Academy.

But on the way back, Zero has been having trouble thinking. As they walk side by side, Zero has been stealing glances at Mizuki, but Mizuki didn’t mind or care.

“Hey, Mizuki?”


“…Um…” Zero forgot what he was about to say.

“If you don’t want to say it, you don’t have to.”

Zero stop on his track, and give Mizuki a soft look.

Mizuki stop on her and turn around to face Zero. “What?”

Zero walked up to Mizuki and hug and her.

Mizuki blink in confusion. “Zero?”

“You can always rely on me, you know that, right?” Zero said softly.

Mizuki was surprise. She has never seen Zero like that before, he’s showing her support. She didn’t know what to say, or do.

‘Zero is hugging me…What should I do? I…I shouldn’t…’ Mizuki was having trouble and second thought about what to do. She did the only appropriate thing to do, hug back. So that’s what Mizuki did. She hugs Zero back. “Thank you. You’re not one to show this kindness to anyone. I’m touched. So, thank you.”

‘Thank you…I get a thank you from Mizuki…Only a thank you?’ Zero thought.

Mizuki look up at Zero, and smiled. “How about I take you somewhere to eat? My treat.”


“Or do you want more than that?”

“No, that sounds good.”

Mizuki took Zero to a ramen shop, the same place where Zero goes to eat miso ramen. Mizuki was eating, a lot actually. It’s like her stomach is a black hole. And Zero was like on his first bowl of ramen.

The chef let out a hearty laugh. “That’s a lively girlfriend you have there, Zero.”

Zero tensed up. “She’s not my girlfriend!”

Mizuki was chewing the noodle cutely, and look at Zero and the chef with a confuse expression. “Hm?”

Zero blushed.

Mizuki swallow the noodle. “What?”

Zero averted his eyes. “N-Nothing.”

The chef let out a dreamy sigh. “Ah, young love~”

Mizuki blushed. “Young love?”

“Am I wrong?”

“W-Well…Zero and I are just friends.”

“Ah, I see. It’s a shame. You two look good together.”

“You really think so, mister?”

The chef nodded. “I would not lie about love.”

Her Knight, His Princess *Zero Kiryu*Where stories live. Discover now