chapter 5

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Raini's POV, written by Rachel


I ran upstairs again, knowing exactly what I was going to make. Crocheted slippers for Iris, good thing I learned how to crochet in middle school. Halfway up the stairs however, I heard Iris go into a series of coughing. Right when I decided to go and help her, Chuck's kind voice reached her first.

"No!" I heard her snap, and thinking better of the matter, I turned to go again. Turning the door handle to Iris' room. I met Audrey in there, along with Parker.

"Close your eyes," Audrey said, and I immediately obliged.

"Why? Are you making my gift? What is it? I don't want to know," and before she could answer I walked over to Iris' junk drawer, with my hand still over my eyes. I opened them and rummaged through.

"Ah ha!" I exclaimed, holding up some yarn triumphantly, I rummaged through again, then again, and again, and again.

"Oh crap," I muttered. Audrey and Parker looked my way, Audrey was hiding my gift behind her back, but Parker looked like he was making some sort of hair wreath. . .that had gone very wrong.

"What happened," he asked me, and I rolled my eyes.

"No crochet needles," I said, and before they could answer, I went out the door, hoping to find Corbin, my gift was for Iris and I couldn't ask her where to find crochet needles. I walked to his door and knocked, he didn't answer. I knocked again. But I knew he wasn't there because I heard his angry voice from down the hallway two seconds later.

"What did you do?" I walked nearer, and yes, I meant to eavesdrop.

"What do you mean," I was surprised to hear Chuck answer.

"Why was she crying?" I gasped, why was Iris crying? I should've been there for her.

"Oh um, well-" but he was rudely interrupted.

"Spit it out," Corbin's voice was dangerously low, I had never seen him this angry.

"Well I offered to help her stand to make presents, and then- I don't know she just started crying," Chuck sounded so distressed.

Before I could change my mind about something unspeakably stupid however, I walked into the hallway to find a confused Chuck. He took no notice of me and walked back upstairs. I heard Corbin's comforting voice.

"Shh, shh, it's okay," I peered in, Corbin was stroking Iris, tears streaming down Iris' face. I went back into the hallway, pretending to look through cabinets, but I already knew they were filled with blankets. I heard Corbin speak again.

"I'll go get you another blanket, okay," Iris didn't respond, but I heard hin get up anyway.He walked into the hallway then looked at me, standing stock still.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, but before I could answer he cohtinued, "Nevermind, what do you want?" his cold voice reached my bones.

"I-I just wanted some crochet needles," my voice was faint. He looked at me a second then set his jaw.

"Follow me," He said, his voice still cold. I followed, he led me up to the third floor, I wasn't here often, but it was a huge space. Shelves lined the walls with board games, Yarn and knitting supplies were on one, towels and washcloths, another, along with so much more junk. He grabbed me a crochet needle and walked to the door.

"Why was Iris crying," I blurted out before I could stop myself. Corbin turned slowly on his heel.

"That's none of your buisness," he spat, but I didn't back down.

"Actually it is my buisness, she's my friend I should be there for her," he, looked at me, his usually warm gaze cold. It seemed like eternity before he spoke.

"What would you know about being her friend, you weren't always there for her were you?" he said slowly, my mouth opened.

"That was in seventh grade, I was a stupid brat, I'll admit that, but Iris forgave me didn't she? She even became friends with Audrey!" Corbin didn't look appeased.

"Didn't she?" he scoffed, "you didn't know how much she hurt," his voice was gaining to a yell, "You didn't know how much she cried after school, you didn't-" but I interrupted him, my voice just as loud.

"Okay, is this really about Iris? Or is it more about some stupid decision I made in seventh grade, that Iris and I now laugh about, with you in the corner glaring at me?" he opened his mouth but I went on, "Iris and I are friends again, but you-you- you just can't forget some grade school mistake can you?" my voice was barely more than a whisper, "you can't forgive just one mistake I made that everyone else forgave, can you?" I looked at him.

"There's your crochet needles," he threw them on the floor, "You have no idea," he finished, and walked out the door, I ran after him.

"Yeah? Well you-" but before I could finish, he disappeared down the stairs, but I finished anyway in a whisper.

"Broke my heart," I broke down on the spot sobbing, I fell to my knees and stayed like that until I fell asleep.

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