Chapter 3

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Isabelle's point of view
So I start reading the book, and it started something like this ~it's important to know that there are social levels of importance in the families of the Wizarding World, pure bloods families are the most important if they maintain their status of blood and honor~ Pss that's such a silly thing, I thought, but I kept reading «There are people who call pure bloods families "traitors to their blood" or such, when pure bloods have good relationships with muggleborn and muggles, although it's considered discrimination. Next are the Half- Bloods who are a blood mixt of a pure blood and a muggleborn or a muggle» I really wanted to laugh at this book, but I contained myself. This was such a stupid thing,but I was decided this will not affect my "friendship" with Sirius if you can call it like that. He was such a good person for the little I knew and also the only person I knew from the Wizarding World. So I continued reading ~The muggle borns are wizards and witches that were born from muggles, also known as as mud bloods although it's considered a huge offense calling someone like that~
I'm just looking forward for the Hogwarts Express, and hope to see Sirius there this was driving me crazy and I won't let anyone get into me, I promised myself.

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