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Now that we know who our finalists are, let's find out the ones who are gonna judge them ;)

Like the finalists, it was really hard to pick only two per category to help.  I almost changed it to five per category just because I wanted to include everyone.

Alas, we decided to do four this time, and I'm trying to stick to it. But to any of the judges we picked, if you cannot judge the 10 finalists by January 15th and then do the rewards for the winners, let us know asap as we can replace you.

I will send documents your way shortly for you to do the judging.

Judges List:

Magical Elves and Other Fantastical Wonders: Cross-WarriorTeaceFindlay, NgoziGardenia, ElementRay932

Underneath the Mistletoe:  WimbugCross-Warrior, SongofLightandShadow, qxeenr0bin

And You Thought Holiday Shopping was Intense:  StormRiddenWimbug, NotSuperEpicMoshi, Alicewren5

Winter Wonder War: A Winter ContestWhere stories live. Discover now