Chapter 2

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The continual beeping of my alarm clock made me stagger up. I grabbed hold of it and began to shake it hard. I thought it was a cool idea to have an alarm clock that only stopped beeping after I shook it really hard 30 times. You can never fail to wake up completely.

After a quick shower, I changed and put my make-up on and grabbed an apple from the little fridge. I bought a box of apples to make some jam, but eating one of them won't hurt, right?

With the apple firmly between my teeth, I zip-lined outside. I dusted my hands when Dad came over.

"I do think I need some time getting used to that."

"You should. I'll be doing this everyday."

I hopped on my bike and put my helmet on. Revving the engine, I sped away to Forks High School. People stared at me as I pulled my helmet off.

"Nice hair."

A girl called out sarcastically, obviously trying to make fun of me. I just smirked.

"I know it's beautiful honey. You can't get this color with hair dye"

I heard people snickering as I went into the office to get my schedule.

Free period

Looking at the map, I tried to find my way to chemistry lab when a girl with a camera tapped me on my shoulder.

"You are the new girl, right? Do you need help? I'm Angela by the way."

"I'm Elinya. Can you tell me the way to the chemistry lab?"

Angela smiled and nodded. I noticed that she didn't mention anything about my albinism which I appreciated. 

After I found the lab with Angela's help, I got my slip signed and sat at an empty table. The class itself was good. Mr. Dexter was a good teacher. It was also fun looking at a bobbing head in front of me. It was practically a miracle that he didn't fall out of his seat.

Literature was fun too. The class was reading Pride and Prejudice and luckily I read it before so I had no problem catching up. The teacher just let us read in silence, not saying anything. Enjoying the quietness, I read a few chapters before the bell went off.

(Time skip to lunch because I can't describe the classes...)

I went into the cafeteria to find practically everyone staring at me. I shifted a bit uncomfortably and got myself a tuna sandwich and a can of coke. I looked around for a table and to my immense relief, Angela waved me over. Sadly, Bella was at the table too, but I decided to ignore her.


Angela snapped a picture and explained that she needed a photo for a feature. Luckily, I managed to smile in that split second so the photo came out pretty well. 

I was busily chewing away and listening to some gossips when Bella spoke up.

"Who are they?"

I turned to see five gorgeous looking people walk in.

Jessica leaned in closer.

"They are the Cullens. Dr. and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids. They kind of keep to themselves. I mean, they are all together. Together together."

"Jess, they're not actually related."

She just shrugged.

"Yeah, but it's weird. They live together. Okay, the blond girl is Rosalie Hale. She's with the buff guy Emmett Cullen. And the girl with a pixie hair is Alice Cullen. And the blond boy who just twirled her is Jasper Hale. Those two are together. He always looks as if he is in pain. And the last one is Edward Cullen. Super gorgeous, the only single, but apparently nobody here is good enough for him. Like, seriously. Don't even try."

"...Wasn't planning on it," Bella mumbled. I just sighed. By the look on her face, she was totally planning on it. I could practically hear her head spin.

 "Does anyone have free period next?" I didn't mind spending some time alone, but since it is my first day, I decided to make some friends.

"Me! I'm Eric, the eye and ear of this place. I can show you a real good place if you want."

"Sure, thanks. Bella! Stop staring, it's rude."

She just glared at me. I glared back. Bella sighed and turned back to her lunch. I lifted my bag on to my shoulder and took the lunch tray.

"The bell is about to ring guys. We'd better get going." 

Just on cue, the bell rang and everyone rushed out. 


Okay, I know it's weird cutting it off here but if I continue, then I really won't be able to find a place to stop.

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