Austin Gets Worse

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        I cried almost the whole day yesterday.  The rest of the week went by quickly, nothing special happened until the next Tuesday.  The only thing that happened is Chandler and I went back to normal.  My parents still barely talk to me.  I wish that they’d just accept me…

            On Tuesday I woke up to my alarm clock.  I got up and got ready for school.  My mom won’t go out of her way to talk to me, so the only way to get her to say good morning is if I say it first, which I have been doing every day.  After I had breakfast and was ready I went off to school.

            I got there at about 7:15am.  I walked over to my group and was greeted by them saying “Hi” in unison, and Chandler giving me a good morning kiss.  He patted his lap for me to sit down, so I did.  We talked until the bell rang.  When it did Chandler and I kissed for a couple seconds and then went off to our first period.

            Nothing special happened during school, when school ended I gave Chandler a kiss goodbye and started out the door.  I got home at about 3:30.  I said hello to my mom and dad when I came inside, my mom said hi back while my dad ignored me.  I thought to myself, ‘Asshole.’

            I walked up to my room and laid down.  I stayed on my bed and just watched TV all day.  I’ve been doing this every day since I don’t have my laptop and I can’t go anywhere, this sucks.  I was getting ready to go to sleep when my mom called for me.  I walked downstairs as I asked, “What?”

            “Something for you…” She was standing next to the front door with a red box with a bow on the top.  I walked up to her and she gave it to me, “It was on the porch, says it is for you.”  She walked back into the living room and sat with my dad.

            It said “To Jason, from Your Secret Admirer” on a small note on the front.  So it’s from Austin… what is he going to give me now…  I opened it up and saw what it was, then immediately closed it up afterwards.  It was a dead bird… that is so fucking nasty.  I took it outside and threw it in the large garbage can that we keep outside.  That is just fucking nasty, what the fuck is wrong with him.

            I went back inside and back into my room.  I sat on my bed and watched TV for the rest of the day.  Since Chandler and I got grounded my life has been so boring, I have nothing to do…

            Once it was 11:00pm I went to sleep.  The next day nothing special happened, just as boring as usual, except for Austin denying that he sent the things to my house, I know it was him.

            The next week went by quickly.  Nothing special happened until Tuesday, it seems like Austin is sending me something every Tuesday…  That night I got a box that had a note on it saying, “To Jason, from Your Secret Admirer.”  I slowly opened it up and immediately closed it back up and threw it outside.  It was a dead dog, this is actually getting serious now.  I am going to tell him to stop tomorrow.  There is seriously something wrong with him.

            I went upstairs and into my room, watching TV until later that night, then went to sleep like normal.  I just wanted to hang out with Chandler like we used to.  The next day during sixth period I told him to stop sending the stuff to my house, he said he wasn’t sending anything to me, I can tell he was lying.

            Nothing happened until the next Tuesday.  I got another box… I didn’t want to open it but I did anyway.  I opened it slowly; luckily it wasn’t anything dead this time.  It was a knife, a bloody knife.  I closed up the box and threw it away like I did with the rest of his parents.  Tomorrow I’ll know if he sent it or not because if he has a cut anywhere on him that means he cut himself with the knife.  I walked up to my room and went to sleep.

            The next day during sixth period I watched Austin as he sat down next to me.  Like I thought, he had a cut on his wrist, I fell bad that he did that because of me, but at least now I know he did send everything.

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