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Just letting you guys know! This story is not following the Attack on Titan story! So if this chapter is wonky then that's why! :)


"GOOOOD Morning (Y/n)! Time for the big big day!" Hanji hit me with a pillow, I groaned, rolling over in my bed. I thought back to last night...how did I get to my bed? 

Oh well, I guess it's just time to get up for the exhibition. I sat up in bed, rubbing my eyes. "Were you and shorty hanging out last night??" She asked as I begun to get ready. I thought for a moment, debating on whether or not to tell her the truth. 

"Um, we talked for a bit. How come?" 

She smirked, "He carried you in here last night, it was the most adorable thing I had ever seen!!" She squealed, I felt a blush make its way onto my face. Levi...he carried me in here?


I heard the bell begin to ring, I looked over at Eren clenching my teeth, he chuckled. "(Y/n), it's just a bell. Don't worry." 

"Quiet." Levi spoke, not even turning his head. 

"30 seconds until the gates are opening!" A male's voice yelled, I looked over my shoulder at the rest of the scouting legion. 

"It's time for humanity to take another step!" Erwin yelled, "Open the gate!" 

The gate rose open, I felt chills go down my spine as I realized that I could not return through those gates with my life. I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked over and saw Levi. "Captain?" I questioned. 

"Stop worrying, that'll only make things worse." He spoke, stern but also in a way of reassurance. I felt a blush creep up on my face but I tried to hide it. "Y-yes sir." 

"Advance!" Erwin yelled and we all started to ride out of the walls. "We will now begin the 58th expedition beyond the walls! Onward!" Erwin yelled. 

I thought back for a moment about why we were even going to walls again, well actually more of into Wall Maria, now titan territory. I heard stories from the last exhibition, including how all of Levi's old squad...yeah...

I looked over at Levi, he looked forward and on. But I could tell that he was in pain, it had only been about 1 month since that last exhibition, and a month since I joined the Survey Corps. I looked forward. 



My eyes widened, what is that? It sounded like quiet foot steps. 

Erwin was talking and making a speech about what we should do if the Female titan approaches. 


The noise got louder the second time. I rode over to Levi, "Captain..." I whispered, he waved me off. "Pay attention shitty brat." He mumbled. 


I went back to Eren, "What's wrong (Y/n)?" He whispered, looking forward. I closed my eyes listening in on the sound. "It sounds like foot steps...and they're coming closer..."

"(Y/n)...we would've heard them if it were a titan...you alright?" 

I touched my arm, "Y-yeah, I'm fine sorry.."

"Oi, stop talking you two." Levi spoke, I looked forward. Erwin looked around..."Everyone keep your guard up, I hear steps..." Levi looked over toward me and then to the wall, now noticing them too. 


"I hear it too..." Armin trailed, Eren looked over toward him, gritting his teeth. "You guys can't be serious." 


"Run!" Armin yelled. I looked up, noticing a large titan jump up from the inside of the wall. It was falling to the outside. "Oi! (Y/n) get moving now!" Levi yelled, I quickly kicked my horse as the rest of the Survey Corps began to move. "What the hell!?" Eren yelled. Luckily, everyone moved in time before the figure could hit the ground. 

"Put your head forward and focus Yeager!" Levi yelled, I looked over my shoulder and noticed a large armored titan chasing after us. I quickly looked forward once more and tried to keep up. "Everyone move toward the trees!" Erwin yelled, I just followed the crowd. 

"That's strange though..." I heard Armin mutter. "Reiner and Bertholdt aren't here..."

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