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Levi spoke out, "I never saw the need to." 

Hanji tilted her head, "Why not?? You two seemed really close from what she told me." 

"What did she tell you?" Levi asked, glaring. "She told me about how you guys first met." 

"That's it?"


Levi pinched the bridge of his nose, "Tch. Four eyes, you don't know a damn thing. Ok?" Hanji smiled, "But you can tell me the damn things!" 

"There's nothing you need to know other than I never saw the need to tell you guys because I thought she was going to be dead after I left." 

"Tell me moreee!!" Hanji pouted. "Leave, now." 

"But Levi-"

"Get the hell out!" 

Hanji got up quickly from her chair and quickly walked out of Levi's office. Levi pinched the bridge of his nose, "Damn it all." 

---------Your point of view! And time skip!--------

"Gooooooood morning! Time to get up (Y/n)! Time for some breakfast before big days of training! We have an exhibition in 3 days!" Hanji exclaimed, I groaned rubbing my eyes but quickly getting out of bed and getting dressed in my military uniform. "Ooooo, (Y/n)! The boys will love you!" 

My face beamed red, she chucked. "Let's go! I want you to make some friends!" 


"Okay guys (Y/n), (Y/n) 104th trainees! 104th trainees, (Y/n)! Enjoy!" Hanji quickly ran off. "W-wha?" I trailed. "Hey (Y/n)! Here come sit next to me." I looked over and saw Christa pat a spot between her and...Reiner...

I smiled though, "Thank you!" Quickly running over and sitting down next to her. 

"Heya hot stuff." Reiner smiled and winked. "Heyyy Reiner." I spoke, I might as well mess with him. Reiner blushed slightly. 

"How old are you honey?" I asked him, Reiner gulped. "17?"

"I really think you should stop calling me cute." I spoke

"But its true?" He smirked. 

"Thank you, but you see...I'm 25." I giggled. 

A girl with a brown pony tail spit out her water. "EH?! But you look so young! Your skin is perfect!" 

I frowned...I guess that's one thing I gained from being underground for 25 years...good skin. 

I sat at the table while all the rest of them socialized once more. They all began to introduce themselves to me and it was honestly pretty fun talking with them. Reiner was a lot more chill after he realized my age. (A/n: You can think of the ages differently if you want :), I just want it to be closer to Levi's) 

Eventually they all got up to get ready for training. I followed when I saw Levi step in front of me, "Where do you think you're going (L/n)?" 

I gulped, "I'm going to train, sir." 

His stern blue eyes looked down at my (e/c) ones. "You're already late, run laps for 30 minutes." 

"C-Coproal sir, the 104th cadets just all left breakfast to train."

"I don't care who left just now, you're late. Laps now." 

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