Chapter 6: Dreams

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Dean was laying in bed when he heard his cellphone go off. He jumped up and walked over to his dresser as he picked it up. 

Evie: Come over. We have to talk. 

The words worried Dean but he was hoping it was only a good thing. Dean hopped into his car and drove over to his house. He walked inside and saw Joe in the kitchen with Shelly. "Who the fuck gave you permission to come over here?" He said, pointing his cigarette at Dean. 

"Your mom. I got a couple rubbers in my pocket for her too." Dean said. Shelly tried to hold back a laugh as Evalyn stormed downstairs. 

"Evalyn get this guy out of here. I don't want you to see him ever again." 

"Oh I'm sorry, did you think you had a say in anything I do? This is my mom and I's house, you're just a hobo staying until my realizes what a dumb piece of-"

"Evalyn go upstairs now!" Shelly said before the lovers had run upstairs to Evalyn's room. 

"Not going to lie babe, your text has me worried."

"Well here's the thing Dean, I don't think you staying here anymore is good for you. I think you need to do the wrestling thing I know my mom told you about before I was going to." 

"What? I don't want to leave you."

"Dean I don't want you to leave either but I'm not going to be the reason you regret following your dreams and doing what you're made for down the road."

"Being with you is following my dreams."

"Dean, don't make this any harder. My mom and I are going to be moving anyway. We know you don't have the money to get to the tryouts but my mom and I raided Joe's drug money drawer and bought you a train ticket and gave you extra money. One of my mom's co-workers nephews is going to allow you to stay with them until you get on your feet. This is what you're meant to do and we're not going to hold you back?"


"Me and my mom. So I need you to go pack a bag, you leave for Cincinnati in less than three hours." 

"I love you so so so much Evalyn. You are the love of my life." Dean said shedding a tear. 

"Ya know, strong guys are the ones who show their emotions. Let it flow babe." Evalyn said hugging him as they both cried. "I love you too Dean. I always will."

"I seriously don't want to leave you."

"It's okay Dean I promise. You need to do this. You're going to do amazing things Dean."

Dean smiled as he pushed his more into her soft hand. "You Evalyn are the best thing to ever happen to me."

"As are you to me, love. And if you find someone else down the road, please do not hesitate to fall in love again. I won't either." 

He nodded before leaving. He saw Evalyn had actually already packed a bag for him and her mother obviously put it in his car. 

Dean drove to the train station. Shelly and Evalyn watched him drive away but she stopped him at the end of the road. "Dean?"

"What Evie?"

"You forget something?" She leaned in and kissed him one more time before letting drive away. 

She walked back into the house sobbing with her mother comforting her. "Get over it kid. There's plenty of other guys besides that dirt bag."  

"I couldn't have said it better myself. Pack up your things and leave Joe." 

Evalyn's mother had gotten her step-father to sign the divorce papers when he was drunk and she also had a restraining order against him. 

Dean had arrived at the train station and opened his bag to see that there were clothes, his essentials, and a piece of paper folded neatly. A small drawing of two figures staring at the night sky on it. Dean unfolded it to see the most beautiful handwriting from the most beautiful girl. 

To My Dearest Love, 

Dean, our parting hurts me a lot and I know it hurts you too but I want you to know that we truly haven't parted. Our memories we have shared forever remain and everything we've ever done together are tattooed in our brains. Thank you for three years of absolute love and absolute growth. You have changed me as a person for the better and I know I've changed you. The impact we have on each other is forever implanting and forever going to continue. Yes, we will find other people to love but I know that I will always love you and I will never find someone like you. You have helped me through my darkest of times and through the best of times in my life. You've been rock turned into my core. I love you Dean Ambrose forever and always. This may be our goodbye for now but I know in a different life we will finally belong. 

Love most dearest, 


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