Chapter 3: Jon Moxley

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Dean carried Evalyn into her front door of her house as she was regaining conciseness. The cuts above her eye and on her lip was leaking blood down her face as she groaned. The pain finally hitting her as she was waking up. "Dean." She groaned and he felt so guilty. 

"Just hang on, babe." 

He laid her down on the table as her mother suddenly came through the front door. "What the hell is going on?" Her mom asked seeing Callum, Lauren, and Dean pondering on what to do. 

"Evalyn got caught in the cross fire of a fight." Lauren said. "She got hit by a history book." 

"Oh my god!" She ran over and saw her daughter. "Are you okay Evalyn?" She asked and her daughter had slowly nodded. 

"What are you doing here she needs to be at the hospital? She barely responsive!" Her mother shouted. 

"We weren't sure what to do." Callum answered honestly. 

"Dean get her and take her out to my car, you two drive the truck to the hospital. Let's go!" 

Once, they finally arrived at the hospital and her mother's co-workers were confused to have seen her. "Shelly you just got off work what're you doing back here?" 

"I need Evalyn to be seen by Greg right now, Rach. She may have a major head injury." 

Her co-worker had paged the doctor as Shelly went to an open room with her slightly there daughter. Greg had went in and took her back for tests while everyone went and sat in the waiting room. It was empty in there so Shelly had lined up the three kids as she paced back and forth as to how she was going to approach this. 

"Please explain to me how she ended up getting hit with a book int he goddamn face?" She asked. 

"It was all my fault. I had heard Eric Turner was bothering her so I went to the school to tell him to stop and we ended up fighting. I was just protecting her and I can't even do that. I'm so sorry Shelly. You know I would never want her to get hurt." Dean worriedly holding his hands to his mouth. 

"Dean I know, you know she wants you to stop fighting bad guys without pay right?"

"Excuse me?"

"She was going to tell you about it but, she's been telling me how much you loved wrestling and loved fighting. There's try-outs for a wrestling agency that pays low like but she wants you to do it." 

"I can't leave her. Especially with Eric, Gwen, and Scott."

"Dean, she thinks it's better than fighting people illegally and getting put in prison. Look into it." 

"Shelly and Lauren?"

"Yes Greg?" Shelly said wrapping her around her daughters best friends shoulders approaching the doc as Dean sat and pondered the thought of leaving. 

"She would like to see both of you privately." 

They walked away and the boys sat and waited. "You don't need to doubt Shelly, Dean. She adores you not as much as Evalyn does but pretty close. She wouldn't do anything if she knew it wasn't right for both of you. She truly wants you to go. Instead of having no job, you need to get out. It's what best." Callum said hitting Dean's shoulder lightly before pulling away and going to the vending machine. 

"You think Evalyn really wants this?"

"Obviously she doesn't want you to leave but she definitely wants you to stop being a bum and get a job. She found you something you love to do and something that truly suits you. You can even go under some kind of code name. Like Jon." 

"Jon? Jon what? I can't just be Jon that's so boring." 

"Something pretty cool and related to you though. You're a pretty moxley guy so."

"Jon Moxley." Dean had a moment of realization. The name, the opportunity, the adrenaline rush he wants to feel. He knew it was meant for him. 

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