“Ly,” Rome whispered, trying to keep all emotion out of her voice. “Are you sure you want to do this now? Maybe we can wait until you get some of your strength back, or maybe we don't have to...”

The look Ly gave her made her stop in mid sentence. All Rome could do was nod and watch as Ly got out of the car. His midnight blue eyes were blazing with a fierce inner fire that was terrifying to see. For some reason he didn't look so tired any more and he didn't stumble or sway as he made his way swiftly across the street towards the club.

Rome hesitated before following. She knew he must be in pain and she couldn't let him walk in there on his own, but the club was full of vampires and this time she wouldn't have Val to protect her. With a grunt of annoyance, she got out of the car and ran after the vampire.

There was no line outside in the daylight and the bouncer was waiting just inside the door for any latecomers who wanted to enter. He tried to stop Ly as he came down the stairs and quickly found out that getting in the younger vampires way was a big mistake.

“Hey wait right there, you can't come in here without...” the bouncer began, but was cut off when Ly's left arm came round and hit him in the throat, pinned the bigger man to the wall and holding him there with little effort.

“You will go and find me the owner of this club,” Ly whispered, his voice dark and low and his tone leaving no room for objection. “You will do it now and you will not talk to me again until you do. Am I understood?”

The bouncer tried to respond, but all that come out of his mouth was a strange gargling sound. Ly seemed satisfied, however, because he removed his arm and let the bigger vampire run off to find his boss.

Rome stood back and watched these events in horror. Only minutes ago Ly had looked like he didn't even have the strength to walk, he had looked ready to pass out, but now it was as if all his energy had come back in seconds. She found it terrifying that his thirst for revenge could give him so much power.

As Rome was still recovering from what she had just seen, Ly turned and fixed his burning eyes on her. “Come with me,” he ordered harshly. “Don't you dare leave my side.”

Without waiting for a reply, Ly pushed open the inner doors and walked into the club. Rome had enough sense to do as she was told and followed. It was exactly like she remembered from last time, multicoloured rapidly flashing lights made it hard to focus properly on the surroundings and the excessively loud music drowned out all other sounds.

Rome stuck close to Ly as he pushed violently through the crowd, not caring in the slightest when he knocked people to the ground. To Rome's surprise, no-one complained, they just picked themselves up and watched Ly pass.

He lifted himself easily onto the stage where the DJ was playing and pushed the guy into the crowd. The DJ himself was caught by the crowed and set on his feet, where he stood silently, looking up at Ly.

The music was cut off abruptly when Ly smashed his fist into one of the decks, effectively getting the attention of the people who hadn't been assaulted by Ly's entrance.

Rome watched as the eyes of hundreds of vampires turned to the stage, fixing easily on the young vampire lord, who radiated rage throughout the room. She stood by the stage, not wanting to draw attention to herself.

“You know who I am,” Ly said, his voice was low, but it still managed to carry throughout the entire club. As one the vampires in the crowd all bowed low. “I am looking for a vampire named Nicator and his accomplice Calista Media. I know they're here. They will be brought to me within the next five minutes, or you will all wish you had chosen a different place to drink tonight.”

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